Paterson Comments

  • Loyce 2022-03-20 09:01:55

    Shoot yourself and play, anyway, I don't care if I like him or not. The thing that moved me the most was seeing Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward chatting like a couple in the car, their "Moonrise Kingdom" was the first movie I've ever seen in Cannes! ! Masahiro Nagase's English is ok. It feels like he came out of the "KANO" crew and wore a suit and glasses to start the show...

  • Horacio 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    When I see the hot comments, I want to explode. What's wrong with writing poems? The bus driver is so soft when writing poems? Is Uncle Hei's ideal life by practicing rap in the laundry room? Is it precocious for a little girl to like Emily Dickinson? Girlfriend playing the guitar and hugging the dog, so Wenqing? What's the matter with Guan Hong Sangsu? If you are so uncomfortable, just say that others are artificial. Yes, life is not only poetry and distant places, but also the sorrow in front...

  • Stuart 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    Director Jia played a little fresh again. The Seven Days of Bus Poet is not the kind of movie that feels awesome at a glance, but it will make you deeply remember a lot of images: matches, waterfalls, black and white, twins, notebooks, bulldogs, mailboxes. The last Japanese is a bit obtrusive, and everything else is very...

  • Blaze 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    Rhyme is the small repetition of two unrelated words in the form. From daily repetition to those small repetitions that seem to happen by chance in his life, it is the rhyme of miracles in life; if the bus driving is replaced with the same repetitive chopping or grinding Glasses, it’s okay to move the whole film to the end of the 19th century; the relationship with my girlfriend is a bit depressed, and my girlfriend’s talk is a bit out of daily life, and it feels...

  • Katlyn 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    Revisited on 2021-2-3. God created the world in seven days, which coincided with the destruction and reconstruction of Patterson’s microcosm. The angels came to give oracle instructions, and the daily orbit was reset and normal operation (compared to the subtle escape of details in seven days), everything is endless. Like a long river of life, like a poem that lasts forever, even after the mediocre wear and tear and the washing of time, it will still be reborn. This is the meaning of going to...

  • Jorge 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    I drove a bus through the neighborhoods that were both sunny and cloudy, wandering day after day with a few lines of poetry. The twins and trivial stories in the car enrich the same trip every day. Within a week of dreams as horses and poems, he kissed his lover, raised the post box, and brought back the intoxicating breath from the bar. He was frustrated only twice, and was forced to pick up the rusty phone and face a collection of poems that was bitten by a dog. He has the precision of a...

  • Carleton 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    The whole film is made like a poem, and the repeated daily details are the rhyme of the poem. There are small variations between poems and poems. Behind the poet's quiet life are his eyes that gently gaze at and silently sing the world. Contrary to his indifferent, stable and uncontroversial attitude, the lovely wife is constantly seeking freshness and change, and is very ambition, but the two love each other and make each other perfect. Finally, Nagase Masatoshi's A-ha is an eternal poem of...

  • Mariela 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    Untalented poet is teased by pet wife, naive and ignorant, husband is indifferent and speechless, a "same bed with different dreams" couple. If puppies are part of life, then black-and-white music, poetry and pets are in fact the same position-the peanuts of depressing boring life. But they do love life with a firm and persistent emotion. A person may not have time to think about life itself when living, so this is...

  • Guiseppe 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    Paterson, who lives in Paterson, plays Driver, is a chant poem written by Jia Muxu to all literary and artistic youths. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday... The seemingly boring daily routines are like the profession of a male protagonist. They all turn the ordinary into small poems. There is so much embarrassment and cold humor in life. Eight days is like seeing the future life of the male protagonist. This is the endless poem I want, steal the spotlight...

  • Darrion 2021-12-30 17:21:40

    #BIFF# Paterson, who lives in Paterson, New Jersey, has "Infinite Jest" on the table and a bus driver who loves William Carlos Williams' "Paterson", living a rhyming daily life. He writes poems, often meets twins, does not use smart phones, walks the dog every day, then goes to the bar for a drink and then straightens the mailbox. The film shows the everyday poetry (and the importance of...

Extended Reading

Paterson quotes

  • Laura: Get any new writing done?

    Paterson: I did a little, yeah. Working on a poem for you.

    Laura: A love poem?

    Paterson: Yeah, I guess if it's for you, it's a love poem. It's kind of inspired by our Ohio Blue Tip Matches.

    Laura: Really? Does it mention the little megaphone shape the letters make?

    Paterson: [taken aback] Yeah, actually it does.

    Laura: How beautiful. I can't wait to read it when it's done.

  • Doc: Paterson, you still don't got a cell phone?

    Paterson: Uh, no. No, I don't want one. It would be a leash.

    Doc: What about the better half, she got one?

    Paterson: She's got one, yeah. And the laptop, and an iPad...

    Doc: She doesn't want you to get one?

    Paterson: No. She's okay about it. She understands me really well.

    Doc: [mutters] A lucky guy.