Paterson Comments

  • Casper 2022-03-23 09:02:07

    In my opinion, Jarmusch, who admired William Carlos Williams, is more advanced than Bi Gan, who "bathed in a raincoat". Poetry comes from daily life, and the two should not be separated. Good poetry is of course the truth, but good poetry in this category is actually taboo to treat it as a reason, including a rational attitude, so even if "AHA" speaks very well Light, the traces of the two dialogues at the end of the walk on the seventh day are still too...

  • Mireille 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    The repetition and contrast in the narrative structure constructed by Jarmusch in the film show the daily life of this ordinary bus driver. This repetition and contrast is an inspection of life in the time dimension. In this inspection, Poetry hobbies, daily work, conversations with passersby, and the communication and trivia between husband and wife are all full of delicate and real life texture. Long-lasting love and happiness need time and patience to nurture slowly, and life is the...

  • Kiana 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    Seven days a week, the water was about to fall, but luckily they shattered in time. And the best poetry, the best does not...

  • Chadrick 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    I don't really blame me for seeing Parkinson's at a...

  • Carmel 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    Great praise. But I always feel that there is something wrong, that is, I can't say it. I feel that there is something wrong with the acting of the wife, not...

  • Rusty 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    To repeat differently, this is what time looks like in [Patterson]. In the first half, Jarmusu tried hard to give this time an image, but under his hasty editing, the time passed without a trace. But as the details accumulate, the film becomes contemplative, and many conscious little embarrassments are captured on camera. We finally got to see this spiral of time, it circled back to a new starting point, and it was time to...

  • Clovis 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    On the way to work, I also thought about it, and the bus driver was thinking about Mao. Will I see things that my generation doesn't pay attention to if I relive the same scene every day? Are you happy? What kind of happiness? Big characters, big stories, big motives, eye-catching and easy to stand. It is a talent to use the most common, common and plain ones to make everyone laugh, marvel and be happy together. I don't always get Jarmusch, and whenever I get it, I find it unreasonably...

  • Tyler 2022-03-22 09:02:00

    The images scattered around @balmes contain Zen, intertwined with the magic of ordinary life, boring but happy, and boiled water is not a poem? The couples of the Moonrise Kingdom appeared in pairs with one million positive...

  • Sarai 2022-03-21 09:02:08

    Poetry is average, but the film is full of poetic beauty. There's a lot of laughter, but for me it's (naturally) the "like movie because it's black and white"...

  • Anabelle 2022-03-21 09:02:08

    74/100 Maybe everyone has or is owning a secret note of their own. The so-called literary soul is a highland left by ordinary people in the boring and repetitive ordinary life. The male protagonist silently guards his girlfriend's unrealistic, three-minute hot hobbies and dreams, and let reality stay away from us...

Extended Reading

Paterson quotes

  • Laura: Get any new writing done?

    Paterson: I did a little, yeah. Working on a poem for you.

    Laura: A love poem?

    Paterson: Yeah, I guess if it's for you, it's a love poem. It's kind of inspired by our Ohio Blue Tip Matches.

    Laura: Really? Does it mention the little megaphone shape the letters make?

    Paterson: [taken aback] Yeah, actually it does.

    Laura: How beautiful. I can't wait to read it when it's done.

  • Doc: Paterson, you still don't got a cell phone?

    Paterson: Uh, no. No, I don't want one. It would be a leash.

    Doc: What about the better half, she got one?

    Paterson: She's got one, yeah. And the laptop, and an iPad...

    Doc: She doesn't want you to get one?

    Paterson: No. She's okay about it. She understands me really well.

    Doc: [mutters] A lucky guy.