Passchendaele Comments

  • Destiney 2023-09-07 10:36:52

    There was a fight that was...

  • Margarete 2023-09-03 23:03:32

    Starting from a non-movie, it is just a battle from a Canadian perspective, which is worth watching. The movie itself has nothing to...

  • Otha 2023-08-08 21:47:56

    It's more like a romantic movie with a bit of literature and art than a war...

  • Isom 2023-07-28 01:03:29

    The picture is very beautiful, the legendary...

  • Keely 2023-07-18 11:57:36

    Compared to films of the same subject matter, the scenes, plot and characterization are...

  • Caitlyn 2023-07-05 11:48:38

    The poignant love in the brutal war has some Hollywood shadows, but fortunately it did not develop into personal heroism, otherwise the anti-war theme of the film would be greatly...

  • Evelyn 2023-06-24 17:00:28

    There are a lot of flaws, but the beautiful landscape of Canada, the shocking aerial photography front-line scene, and the beautiful ending song still have to give 4 stars. Why can't China make a proud World War I movie like...

  • Hipolito 2023-06-22 08:01:14

    Although the plot is a bit old-fashioned, the confused and empty eyes of the child in the German uniform with blood on his face made me give this film a 5-star...

  • Ludwig 2023-06-01 17:38:35

    Sometimes courage is more meaningful than...

  • Ima 2023-06-01 06:06:30

    Promises are above all...

Extended Reading

Passchendaele quotes

  • Dobson-Hughes: [insulting the Germans] Gas... even a Boer wouldn't sink so low to use gas.

    Michael Dunne: I believe we're using gas, sir.

    Dobson-Hughes: [after a pause] Quite right.

  • Sarah Mann: There's only one rule: don't die.