Parker Comments

  • Camryn 2022-04-23 07:02:27

    Self-healing old strong and cold mature...

  • Angie 2022-04-23 07:02:27

    With Parker and the current Western Conference Finals champion, you're...

  • Shayne 2022-04-23 07:02:27

    The old man's resume is very bright, but in recent years, he has been a little powerless, but it is still remarkable to create a lively action film at the age of 70. There are all kinds of old-fashioned scenes, but the editing is sharp and the most beautiful is that there is no nonsense before the...

  • Ezekiel 2022-04-23 07:02:27

    I only remembered the title of the film, it seems to be called Parker, so I marked one by the way...

  • Shaina 2022-04-23 07:02:27

    The first ten minutes of the amusement park robbery made people feel good, the scene scheduling and character explanations, and then a series of panic and action scenes, and the five people in the back began to divide the...

  • Reyes 2022-04-23 07:02:27

    The man was dragged to death by the girl......

  • Dominic 2022-04-23 07:02:27

    Jason continues to be a tough guy! But the hero and heroine are not together?...

  • Grant 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    The rhythm ahead is good, I'm all ready for popcorn?️ Watching an action movie that uses violence to overcome violence. After the 300 million ass came out, it became a literary romance,...

  • Elody 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    Jason Statham! Jason Statham! Jason Statham! rubbing rubbing this is an action movie...

  • Marjolaine 2022-04-22 07:01:32

    Statham's accent, Lopez's...

Extended Reading

Parker quotes

  • Jake Fernandez: [after Leslie buys a large cup of coffee] Hey, you have a cupholder in your car, or you just keep that between your legs?

    Leslie Rodgers: Well, it's large and black, Jake. Where do you think I like it?

  • Leslie Rodgers: I'm sick of chauffeuring these fucking entitled wannabe playboys who have never worked a day in their life. Showing them houses that I could never afford. Laughing at their jokes that I can't stand. All while fending off their gropes. But not all their gropes. Because you never know, one of these days I might just might get a full commission.