Paris Is Burning Comments

  • Lexie 2023-04-08 04:35:17

    Mixed feelings. Marginal crowds bloom in the night, with fancy costumes, dance fights and catwalks to get close to the dream that can never be realized, to become a legend. This rare and valuable documentary has become a primer for LGBT...

  • Dylan 2023-04-04 01:15:23

    FilmForum re-screening (overcrowded...), the dance hall records the joy of gays and transgenders, from the shouting of non-mainstream people until now, "he she ze xe" has been widely recognized, and movie viewing has become a gender-based activity. Carnival, it has the imprint of the times, but it is more historically...

  • Stefanie 2023-03-21 12:08:59

    If you have watched this documentary, I suggest you watch the American drama "Pose" again. If you have watched Pose, you must make up for...

  • Corene 2023-03-20 15:05:01

    WERQQQQQQ!!! Such a fascinating doc and it's by a straight white woman. WOW No wonder it's Lena Waithe's favorite...

  • Jose 2023-03-14 15:56:13

    the ultimate criterion is "blending...

  • Gia 2023-03-10 17:55:42

    The Teddy Bear Award documentary that started the "new queer wave", used dance hall culture to show the identity, material desires and dreams of ethnic minorities-it's really sexuality burning! (Two 13-year-old kids poke my...

  • Arvid 2023-03-08 23:43:41

    In fact, I have seen it several times in various classes. . . All the references to fashion are very interesting, house, voguing, supermodel... [Although realness is a big controversial point of this film, I want to say that even if it is a documentary, as long as it is recorded with the lens, there will always be a certain degree of performance. Then I saw suki's short comment, but I think Livingston's shots are pretty good...

  • Melisa 2023-03-06 23:28:36

    The girl said that she wanted a car and wanted to move to another place with her lover. Her eyes flashed when she said these words, but she ended up being murdered... Very sad. Thinking about the popularity of drag shows today, how many people's blood and tears have exchanged for today's progress in 30 years, and that's why we must continue to...

  • Krista 2023-02-24 03:35:55

    (8.6/10) Livingston focuses on the participants of the New York underground dance in the late 1980s, constructing a real and vivid queer group portrait from an individual point of view. Some say they are morbid and crazy, others say they are beautiful and unique. They are such a group of paradoxes misunderstood and abandoned by society because of their race, sexuality, and class, living in fantasy but clearly aware of reality. In the ballroom, they can receive care and recognition that they...

  • Curtis 2023-02-20 08:41:52

    It's been talked about a lot in classes. Fashion designers, gays and drag queens should take a look at...

Extended Reading

Paris Is Burning quotes

  • Dorian Corey: I always had hopes of being a big star. But as you get older, you aim a little lower. Everybody wants to make an impression, some mark upon the world. Then you think, you've made a mark on the world if you just get through it, and a few people remember your name. Then you've left a mark. You don't have to bend the whole world. I think it's better to just enjoy it. Pay your dues, and just enjoy it. If you shoot an arrow and it goes real high, hooray for you.

  • Pepper LaBeija: This is white America. Any other nationality that is not of the white set, knows this and accepts this till the day they die. That is everybody's dream and ambition as a minority - to live and look as well as a white person. It is pictured as being in America. Every media you have; from TV to magazines, to movies, to films... I mean, the biggest thing that minority watches is what? "Dynasty" and "The Colbys". Umm, "All My Children" - the soap operas. Everybody has a million-dollar bracket. When they showing you a commercial from Honey Grahams to Crest, or Lestoil or Pine-sol - everybody's in their own home. The little kids for Fisher Price toys; they're not in no concrete playground. They're riding around the lawn. The pool is in the back. This is white America. And when it comes to the minorities; especially black - we as a people, for the past 400 years - is the greatest example of behavior modification in the history of civilization. We have had everything taken away from us, and yet we have all learned how to survive. That is why, in the ballroom circuit, it is so obvious that if you have captured the great white way of living, or looking, or dressing, or speaking - you is a marvel.