Parasyte: Part 1 Comments

  • Lenna 2023-09-27 00:08:30

    very nice. The story doesn't have to be said to hold up to the original. Effects are also available. Someya Shota and Fukatsu Eri both acted so well! But the film technique is still quite suitable, I always feel that many scenes are thrown too casually, which is a...

  • Crawford 2023-09-26 07:06:07

    I think that all life is a confused existence that eats and lives for the sake of living, and human beings are only mixed with impurities, which are less pure than other groups. Under the guise of another parasitic life is a good view of the eternal philosophical question. Isn't human pregnancy also a form of parasitism, and "parasitism" complicates...

  • Jadon 2023-09-12 18:12:33

    The live-action version of this violent horror comic is really delicious. Although it is against parasitic beasts, the object of criminal accusation is human beings after all. It has a different philosophical meaning to replace the ultimate thinking of "who, where, and where" to the body beast. It's a pity that the male protagonist's psychological growth is not portrayed, and there is no running-in and conflict with Xiaoyou. How could it be a mode of getting along between...

  • Keven 2023-09-01 14:31:43

    I felt a little scary when I watched it alone at home before, and I didn't watch the animation Zhuyu before. This time I went to the cinema to watch the abridged version with an attitude of supporting the introduction. It looked surprisingly good, although the editing was a bit rough, but Most of the key points have been retained [Kitamura Ikki, as an important parasitic beast leader, has not changed shape from beginning to end because he is too handsome and reluctant to destroy that...

  • Hal 2023-08-31 00:46:00

    It's okay, it's not...

  • Weston 2023-08-06 12:52:45

    The migi in the animation looks very strong, but in the live-action version... who can do it with those chicken...

  • Lera 2023-07-17 19:10:02

    Seriously weakened the theme that humans are the "parasites" on the earth in the original work, but made sufficient foreshadowing on "family affection", which I personally feel is a pity. Others, whether it's special effects or casting, are all very good, and Higashiide Chang's big head is cracked and he is still...

  • Weston 2023-07-15 10:34:41

    I haven't read the comics. The movie is pretty good, it's enough to be bloody and...

  • Immanuel 2023-07-14 16:56:15

    After thinking about it, I still gave it 4 stars. Although the plot is tight and the performance of the actors is not good, especially Hashimoto Ai, it is still a conscience work in Japanese comics. The best thing is that the CG of the parasitic beast is made. A satisfying book; the core of the movie version seems to be the bond between mother and child, I don't know what the end of the next chapter will be...

  • Jason 2023-07-13 04:47:58

    Opening the mouth with the head is very similar to Resident...