Paparazzi Comments

  • Carmine 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    This is Hollywood's venting of anger.... Even the police are on the star's...

  • Miller 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    Well, let go of the mundane thinking. The bad guys are punished, and the punisher lives...

  • Crawford 2022-03-19 08:01:02

    The ending can't create the atmosphere it should have, so it should be a little more compact. There is something to think about in the selection of film materials. The tricks used by the paparazzi in the film are not uncommon in Hong Kong. They rummage through rubbish and even enter the hotel room where the artist stayed to shoot. Shame of humanity. Now I buy less gossip magazines because I feel...

  • Jedidiah 2022-03-19 08:01:02

    Maybe this is the human being, the flesh-and-blood biological old policeman knows everything, but in the end he didn't say anything because why? I remember when he talked to the star and said that if someone hurts his family, I will also be desperate to protect the hostility to the end. I think if something like this happens, I will do whatever it takes to protect my...

  • Francisca 2022-03-19 08:01:02

    Actually not bad, three and a half...

  • Delia 2022-03-19 08:01:02

    At the beginning of the film, I was also very angry! The paparazzi lost at least their morality! But with the development of the film, I don't know if I should sympathize with the hero! I don't know if he is doing the right...

  • Isac 2022-03-19 08:01:02

    Murder is a funny thing, the simplification of the characters makes it more of a revenge...

  • Madie 2022-03-19 08:01:02

    Dream on, poor suckers of...

  • Sigurd 2022-03-19 08:01:02

    The morality of the opposing parties is terrible, and in the end, people like this are allowed to go unpunished. What the...

  • Melba 2022-03-19 08:01:02

    3.5, paparazzi, especially unscrupulous paparazzi, there are relatively few movies and TV shows that focus on this theme, which directly leads to more favorable impression. Although the plot produced in the 1900s is a bit simple and rough, of course it is easy to relieve...

Extended Reading

Paparazzi quotes

  • Smartass Paparazzi: Hey, packin' on a few POUNDS there, Laramie!

    Bo Laramie: As a matter of fact, yes. Looks good on me doesn't it?

    Smartass Paparazzi: [after a pause] Yeah!

    [winks at Laramie and continues snapping]

  • [Laramie called Harper a parasite on TV]

    Rex Harper: Here's your parasite right here.

    [gives the TV the finger]