Paparazzi Comments

  • Raphael 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    After watching it, I feel a little awkward. This movie reflects the three views of the gods and horses? Probably the director was annoyed by the paparazzi, so he made such a murderous...

  • Humberto 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    Never touch someone else's bottom...

  • Ulices 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    Fast forward multiple times. Lots of plot holes. However, you can still reflect on the evil nature of your own heart. 3...

  • Lynn 2022-04-21 09:03:49

    Celebrity dad whose son was knocked unconscious by unscrupulous paparazzi fights back. Although the protagonist is a little darkened, it is enough to relieve anger. The subject matter is very meaningful, and the production level is average....

  • Julianne 2022-04-21 09:03:49

    In the first class of the new year, I was a little bored. I struggled and fell asleep. In the last session of "Mass Communication and Life" at CUHK, Ms. Lu Yu is really a good teacher. Maybe my knowledge of communication is very limited, but She taught me how to face the last farewell in life as an example. She said to the whole classroom that I have a bright future and there will be a future. I put my schoolbag on my back and walked away without even saying goodbye, but my heart was heavy &...

  • Jake 2022-04-21 09:03:49

    Two stars will be deducted for the bloody plot of the star who killed a reporter and escaped from the French Internet in revenge, and one star will be deducted if there are no surveillance cameras on foreign...

  • Cletus 2022-04-21 09:03:49

    I always feel that it is not a good ending whether Laylamy is in trouble in the...

  • Demarco 2022-04-21 09:03:49

    How nonexistent is this movie? I don't remember watching it when I cleaned up the label... I remembered the plot after reading the movie review. But it's fine when you look at it. Not...

  • Hal 2022-04-21 09:03:49

    nervousness during...

  • Hunter 2022-04-21 09:03:49

    After reading it all at once, although the paparazzi are immoral, but in the end Bo was not punished or something, it is unfair, I have been waiting to see if the boss can arrest Bo and kill three...

Extended Reading

Paparazzi quotes

  • Smartass Paparazzi: Hey, packin' on a few POUNDS there, Laramie!

    Bo Laramie: As a matter of fact, yes. Looks good on me doesn't it?

    Smartass Paparazzi: [after a pause] Yeah!

    [winks at Laramie and continues snapping]

  • [Laramie called Harper a parasite on TV]

    Rex Harper: Here's your parasite right here.

    [gives the TV the finger]