Our Souls at Night Comments

  • Abagail 2023-06-27 22:49:24

    Calm and...

  • Mina 2023-06-03 15:14:15

    In an instant, "The Soul of Our Night" delivered the most moving opening remarks on the screen of this century. What is the daily life of the 80-year-old protagonist like my grandparents? One is the gorgeous sunset in the evening, and the other is the ubiquitous warm light under the night. But it's a pity that the author made an addition when dealing with this empty nest theme, so the final destination is a slightly moderate family relationship repair. The overall warmth but not clear enough...

  • Shaniya 2023-04-12 10:51:31

    8 points movie, I really like this kind of movie like still water. The two old actors acted really well, I felt like I saw the later years of the bridge bridge's last...

  • Nina 2023-04-10 21:45:49

    Such a sweet story. No matter whether you have children or not, it is inevitable that you will be empty nest when you are old, and that your spouse will inevitably be lonely after leaving, which is a bit desolate to think about. It's great to have a figure as good as a grandma when you're...

  • Kayden 2023-04-06 23:02:54

    The reunion of the two movie legends is gratifying. However, the film is relatively light as a whole. Except for the performance of the two actors, it is difficult to leave too much impression on...

  • Micaela 2023-04-02 18:18:22

    He's suave, she's as beautiful as ever, nothing is better than being...

  • Conner 2023-03-31 09:08:14

    Reconciliation with the past, reconciliation with children, reconciliation with life. A pair of lonely single old people put down their burdens and reported to the group to keep warm. They grow old together, peacefully and happily facing the last journey of their...

  • Krista 2023-03-27 08:05:35

    Ritesh Batra's camera will always capture that kind of calm and gentle love, and the emergence of Netflix has made it possible to have a platform for elderly subjects who have not received enough attention. The new platforms work best with each other. The only disadvantage is that the initial part of Louis and Addie seems a little unnatural, and it is too naive for these two elders who have experienced various things just to heal each other and enter their hearts. PS Iain kids are really...

  • Herta 2023-03-22 01:31:11

    The movie is very romantic, about a pair of twilight love. The female protagonist suddenly came to the male protagonist. Although they lived in the community for thirty or forty years, they never spoke. The female protagonist wants the male protagonist to sleep with him, that is, someone can chat before going to bed. Loneliness, terrifying loneliness, becomes even more terrifying at night and in old age. Later, the two had feelings for each other. But their past haunts them. Later had to be...

  • Mercedes 2023-03-18 22:27:27

    Such a state of old age is already very ideal. If you talk about cohabitation, you will live together, and if you talk about raising a dog, you will raise a...

Extended Reading

Our Souls at Night quotes

  • Addie Moore: I've spent my whole life worrying about what people think.

  • Louis Waters: [about his late wife] Holly and I were there when she passed. I remember... wanting to feel her leave... her spirit or something. And instead, it just seems like she's still around.