Ordinary Love Comments

  • Karl 2022-09-05 20:57:59

    It may seem like just another cancer-fighting story, depicting a very realistic life with rich everyday and emotional details. At the same time, there is the topic of unconventional confrontation with the ever-present loneliness. This teacher has not acted with this accent for many...

  • Nakia 2022-09-05 15:54:52

    It's a beautiful film, this kind of unwavering approach is the most moving... clean, plain, real, everything I can think of are advantages, I'm glad to see Uncle Ni finally get out of the pain and pick up such a film about love, about love A painful movie, can I expect more in the...

  • Alisa 2022-09-05 15:51:52

    #LFF# Love is as soft as water, and love lasts forever. This is probably the most beautiful appearance of each other. The most beautiful thing is that no matter what the years have taken away and what they have brought, in the face of the accumulated time, the two still love each other and maintain a healthy, lovely and supportive mode of getting along. This kind of relationship between husband and wife is more precious than gold and stone. Too much. I often see marriage stories between young...

  • Brain 2022-09-05 15:21:26

    I like the scene of walking, walk around the lamp post, hold you back every day. In exchange for the heat of a bottle of beer, guess how hot soup is different today. Will you miss them? meeting. thanks. What was taken away by God, I don't hold grudges or reminisce, I just want to be grateful for what I have been with. Big support for senior...

Extended Reading

Ordinary Love quotes

  • Tom: In situations like this, you have to be exact.

    Joan: Oh, I'm sorry, Tom. Are we in a hospital or are we in a courtroom?

  • Tom: He doesn't look gay.

    Joan: No. But then you don't look...

    Tom: [interrupts] Easy tiger!

    [Joan smiles]