Opening Night Comments

  • Brandy 2022-09-13 23:52:16

    The nested structure of dramas in the film, the ambiguity of the boundary line between reality and fiction, the repetition and difference of the same play through different angles and other characteristics, the three films of "W's Tragedy", "Birdman" and "Premier Night" are in the same line. It's just that "Birdman" also adds Brecht's dramatic distancing effect. In addition to these, "Premier" is also exploring the unconscious. And when a work expresses the unconscious, we can affirm its...

  • Rogelio 2022-09-13 19:37:48

    I began to wonder if Gina Rowlands and Cate Blanchett were related by blood. They had similar looks, and they had the same tough and soft acting skills. In the end, they ended up being neat and a bit...

  • Sammy 2022-09-13 16:52:41

    The most terrifying part of the profession of an actor is probably the constant scrutiny of life, and life cannot stand scrutiny at all; it is necessary to constantly burn the self, which is actually self-overdraft. The significance of Cassavetes to Hollywood is not only that it breaks through the traditional classical theater structure, but also uses a play-in-play method to tell everyone that plays can be super modern. The role of the...

  • Laurianne 2022-09-13 13:17:29

    Dorothy said something classic - "if i had known what a boring man you were when i married you, i wouldn't have gone through all those emotional crises".......Tension, you Do you know what tension is? It's the kind of tension between a big boy and a girl that belongs to Cassavetes....... How could we not make hair for a dead beautiful...

  • Dessie 2022-09-13 11:36:06

    The final scene of Rowlands on stage with Cassavetes in a red dress is the highlight of the film. I just watched The Torrent of Love yesterday, and I always feel that the two films with very different stories are actually discussing the same themes - unrequited love, the glory of the past that will never return, the eternal loneliness that will eventually usher, and the struggle Occasional bursts of light. Compared with the torrent of love, the end of the premiere night still gave people a...

Extended Reading

Opening Night quotes

  • Nancy Stein: I never bothered you. You want to kill me. I devoted my life to you. To movies. To music. To theater. I'm 17 years old. I like sex. I like to turn people on. And that's what the theater is: sex. It's like getting laid.

    Myrtle Gordon: Um, what did you do to her?

  • Maurice Aarons: I have a small part. It's unsympathetic. The audience doesn't like me. I can't afford to be in love with you.