Open Water Comments

  • Vito 2022-02-15 08:01:26

    Take another example of Xiaoboda. However, relying on documentary techniques and real events, the perfunctory and roughness of the drama is even more serious than the general low-cost movies. There were too many one-man shows between the two, and they stagnated and made no progress, and they were very tired to watch. What? Acting? What acting are you talking about after making a thriller in the...

  • Leora 2022-02-15 08:01:26

    Dear, did you shoot with DV? There is also this kind of dull and boring movie where two silly B’s dead houses do not swim there. It is really the most boring movie I have ever...

  • Missouri 2022-02-15 08:01:26

    Those who have taken the license will have a psychological shadow after reading it. The prototype story is more desperate and tragic than the film. Four stars give the theme and director the perseverance and courage to use real sharks for real shots. In terms of photography, due to limitations, there is probably no good scheduling and shooting methods. The sea level viewing angle is aesthetically tired, and the shark viewing angle is slightly comfortable. Both of them are super-willed but they...

  • Emerson 2022-02-15 08:01:26

    There is nothing to spend in this work, it is true. Not only is the real person and the real thing, the shooting technique is also quite realistic, the camera against the sea surface makes the audience feel like soaking in the sea like the protagonist, very immersive, the violently floating sea surface is deeply disturbing, given from time to time The long-term view makes people appreciate the vastness of the sea, and is helpless. The actors in the film are all in the sea, shooting close-ups...

  • Amani 2022-02-15 08:01:26

    Watching the full movie feels that the plot is not as compact as "Frozen", but it is very real, and it is true that it is impossible to recall and chew. In reality, facing such an encounter, it is difficult for anyone to be calm and composed, and the male protagonist is still constantly It is worthy of admiration to comfort and encourage the heroine. In the end of the film, the heroine let go of the hero's body, took off her life-saving equipment, and plunged into the sea. People have to sigh...

Extended Reading

Open Water quotes

  • Susan: Daniel, where's the boat?

    Daniel: That's a good question.

    [looks around]

    Daniel: I guess it's one of those.

    Susan: You gotta be kidding me.

    Daniel: It better be one of those.

    Susan: Well which one do you think?

    Daniel: I don't know.

  • Susan: [surfacing from the water] Where's the boat. Daniel. Where's the boat?