Ong Bak 3 Comments

  • Christa 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    According to the coolness score after watching the film, in the future, you have to believe in all the bean friends, you can't challenge your own limits like this! I'm also someone who can watch action movies without the plot, but this one really sucks. . . If tonyjaa's films are not well received in the future, I personally will never watch them again. ....

  • Elwyn 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    What is the big...

  • Laurie 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    A successful transition from martial arts to monkey...

  • Bianka 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    Too fancy, and the story is not...

  • Naomie 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    This film is not well evaluated. From the perspective of martial arts, it is indeed not as good as the first two, but from the perspective of literary drama, it is indeed the highest point of Toshi's film, with two main characters and two different paths of "revenge" - although the story very stiff. The film incorporates a lot of Tai Chi flavors. The warriors fight back and forth, and the final battle is still the realm. From the overall level, there is still a certain distance from Jet Li's...

  • Jarvis 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    After watching this movie, it is estimated that no one is interested in watching Thai movies, it is too...

  • Santina 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    If you watch a small clip, you will feel that this film is exquisitely shot and has a large-scale temperament. After watching the whole film, I found out that it was really unbearable bad rhythm and flooded slow motion. The fights are okay, the highlights are few. Do you dare to say that you did not learn from Tai Chi in the last battle? Tony Jaa is an action movie genius, learning what it's like, but the next few movies are always learning and...

  • Monserrate 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    It's okay to be a martial arts textbook, but it's a bit too much to say that this is a...

  • Jakob 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    What a messy plot, too fake. It can be said that it is a story between gods that people are beaten like that without...

  • Rylan 2022-04-01 09:01:19

    This is no longer Muay Thai, but a magic fight. BOOS, your mouth is full of ink, do you dare to spit out a mouthful of black...

Extended Reading

Ong Bak 3 quotes

  • Tien: Now I understand your intentions in teaching me the art of dancing. Dancing is therapy for the body and mind. I owe you a debt of gratitude for changing my life.

    Master Bua: It's your mind that finally opened to change. Change the enemies into dancing partners. There are many things in the world that you have to learn. Greed. Wrath. Infatuation. Desires. Lust. And ignorance. Always be careful. These sins are the causes of suffering. They cause all living creatures to be stuck in the perpetual cycle of birth and death.

    Tien: How can I avoid these sins?

    Master Bua: Train. You need to train yourself to cleanse and purify your mind. The mind is the chief. The body is the servant. The consciousness is the controller. The mind comprehends. Be aware, then let go. Your mind will remain untarnished.

  • Bhuti Sangkha: Power should be possessed by those who deserve it.