Onegin Comments

  • Brittany 2023-01-02 22:35:42

    Poetry has. RF is great (self-destruction tendency suits him ==). The transition from a courting girl directly to a married lady is bold and clever. The lines at the end are rather dry... Taylor still looks good on the front. You can compare it with "Dizzy" to watch what men are easily attracted to (innocent and honest are not as mysterious and...

  • Don 2022-12-21 20:26:46

    Not my Eugen Onegin, this is the only long foreign poem I can read, and the film weakens too much, especially the ending. Liv Tyler, who is like a haze, cold water, mist, and gauze, is very good, and the scene setting is very good, but Fiennes is not as good as I...

  • Rosalind 2022-12-19 03:09:31

    Dear Onegin, the devil you called when you were young has indeed come to take you away, he has made you accustomed to everything early, and he has blown the petals of a girl's love to you, so that you can easily discard it, just like you Despise everything like that; then, years later, he wants you to love, to feel the brilliance of the love you left behind, and when your heart begins to beat, the devil nails him to the coffin, struggling and howling in pain, like Russia Winter is...

  • 2022-12-10 00:31:50

    A declaration.A kiss.A...

  • Kameron 2022-11-30 00:09:47

    In the old pottery class, I don't like Liv Tyler, but Ralph Fiennes' wandering temperament is very suitable for...

  • Itzel 2022-11-26 10:42:49

    2010.09.03 @ Office just put it like that

  • Eve 2022-11-24 20:08:18

    If you compare any film adapted from a British classic of the same kind, and find that it is difficult to find differences, Pushkin will be...

  • Raphaelle 2022-11-20 14:20:35

    Like Onegin, I am a superfluous person in this world, and I am superfluous to...

  • Sheridan 2022-11-08 03:15:10

    A bit nasty but apt. . . Who made you pretend to be...

  • Jeffrey 2022-10-28 10:44:35

    I think I know everything and see through everything, but I don't know love,...

Extended Reading

Onegin quotes

  • Evgeny Onegin: Can't you see where this leads? A declaration, a kiss, a wedding, family, obligation, boredom, adultery.

  • Vladimir Lensky: You're seducing the woman I love aren't you?


Director: Martha Fiennes

Language: English,French Release date: November 19, 1999