Once Upon a Time in China III Comments

  • Felicia 2023-03-01 22:42:05

    It is suggested that Zhao Tianba open a tank lion to fight for hegemony, and crush Huang Feihong, a pretended to force...

  • Carolyne 2023-02-26 18:47:15

    I remember seeing cultural research papers on the "Once Upon a Time Series", but I can't remember where. This series, together with Chen Zhen, Ip Man, Bruce Lee, Fang Shiyu, etc., constitutes an important narrative about the late Qing Dynasty in Hong Kong martial arts/kung fu movies, which I think is missing from the mainland's expansion of Taiwanese movies. The introduction of the steam engine was characterized as the first collision of the industrial revolution with a heterogeneous...

  • Pinkie 2023-02-08 15:04:12

    In terms of the wonderful and enjoyable martial arts, this film is relatively weak among the three films, mainly because the number one villain, Zhao Tianba, is far less powerful than Yan Zhendong and Nalan Yuanshu in the previous two films. Strong enemy, the battle of the restaurant is also more like an action comedy inspired by the Bond Snow Mountain single skating, relying on frequent interaction with the later included Ghost Foot Seven to maintain the basic plate of action energy; but on...

  • Haskell 2023-01-31 09:23:19

    Lord Li, the so-called winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. The sky cannon rang just now. If there is no sky lantern to block the gun, no one really knows who will win. Now the gold medal is in my hands, Hwang, it's not that I won. In this 'Lion King Contest' organized by the adults to show the might of our people, so many people were killed and injured. In front of the world, we all lost. According to the opinion of the common people, we not only need to practice martial arts to...

  • Nico 2023-01-20 00:28:50

    "We not only need to practice martial arts to strengthen our body to fight against foreign enemies, but the most important thing is to broaden the wisdom of the people and integrate wisdom and martial arts. That is the way to enrich the country and strengthen the people." The great man of chivalry, with the demeanor of a master, continues to arouse thinking about the destiny of the country and the nation. The action scenes continued to escalate, and the lion dance competition has since become a...

  • Clay 2023-01-05 16:43:37

    The bitter fruit that the Hong Kong nation suffers today stems from the causes buried when it accepted the identity of the Greater China nation during the colonial period. A drink and a peck are all predestined. We write our own destiny with our own hands on the indictment that will try...

  • Joanie 2023-01-01 06:24:26

    In fact, what I love the most is that boys are self-improvement. . . However, the ghost foot seven in this one is too moving. . ....

  • Fay 2022-12-16 06:09:15

    The contrast between "inside" and "outside" continues to be highlighted. Huang Feihong's statement holding a gold medal is appropriate in any period of China; the old and strong Liu Xun and the lost Xiong Xinxin are quite the scene, and the climax part draws on the "Third Person" " and "The...

  • Misty 2022-12-01 00:38:33

    Now the gold medal is in my hands, Huang, not me. In order to show the power of our people, the adults organized this "Lion King Contest". So many people were killed and injured. In front of the world, we all lost. In the opinion of the common people, we not only need to practice martial arts to strengthen our body to resist foreign enemies, but the most important thing is to broaden the integration of people's wisdom, wisdom and martial arts. Whether a mere brand can change the national...

  • Curtis 2022-11-12 06:47:26

    Thinking that Guan Zhilin was not a golfer back then, she was really beautiful as a 13th...