On the Basis of Sex Comments

  • Mathilde 2022-03-23 09:03:26

    Both Fei and Ami's performances are very good, and the story itself is rational but not vulgar, true but not promiscuous. But more than serious. This couple is also very cute, Ami is a perfect...

  • Tiana 2022-03-23 09:03:26

    Shengsheng turned first-class IP and actors into second-class soap operas, which is a...

  • Jeremy 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Gender-based discrimination is unconstitutional, and it is bound to usher in gender-based corrections. Five stars not because of how good the movie is (in fact I dislike its mediocre drama), but because RBG is bigger than the life of the legend. She has the most beautiful love of this era, and promoted the greatest equality in the world. RBG deserves a better biographical film, ah Soul Dan! !...

  • Trevor 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    The final speech was full of tears. Forget the family motto "be a lady", forget the "gentle and elegant", it is a gift for friends and lovers. Be a soldier, stay angry at injustice, learn to be angry, dare to say "I dissent", because anger will help you and become the strongest force, because even if you are gentle, quiet, introverted, shy, rational, rigorous, Self-discipline, intelligence, humor, tenacity..., but as long as it touches the cake of the vested interests, it is also scolded by...

  • Mireille 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    Maybe I had watched the documentary before, and I respected her very much, so I was frequently poked into tears by this film. I just saw a broadcast today saying, "In the oral arguments of the Supreme Court, female justices are interrupted much more frequently than men, so they gradually learned to use more direct and aggressive questions during their tenure. ways to reduce the possibility of being interrupted.” Because of this movie and this broadcast, I think of some people who were labeled...

  • Ashtyn 2022-03-19 09:01:10

    There has never been a savior. To change, we can only rely on ourselves. I would like to thank the women who have gone forward and succeeded for thousands of years for their efforts and sacrifices for our current rights to education, work, mate choice and marriage, and the right to have children...

  • Demarco 2022-03-18 09:01:09

    I was moved to tears, the life we ​​enjoy now is not easy to come by, and the progress of society comes from their...

  • Bernhard 2022-03-18 09:01:09

    My feminist middle two souls are burning, the next one can watch...

  • Ashleigh 2022-03-17 09:01:10

    "The word woman does not appear even once in the US constitution" "Nor does the word freedom, Your...

  • Yasmin 2022-03-17 09:01:10

    The filming is indeed a bit mediocre, although I really like the heroine... Too many legalese make it difficult to keep up. In addition, the heroine's husband is really good, a model husband! !...

Extended Reading

On the Basis of Sex quotes

  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg: I want to convince the federal courts that those laws are unconstitutional.

    Charles Moritz: How do you do that?

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg: One case at a time... starting with yours.

    Charles Moritz: So, I'm a guinea pig?

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg: No sir. You're the man marching out ahead of the band, leading the way.

  • Dorothy Kenyon: You found a bachelor taking care of his mother at home. Judges will be repulsed by him.

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Feeling anything is a start.