On the Basis of Sex Comments

  • Genesis 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    Good news for legal fans! A biographical film of Justice RBG's affirmative-action struggle. Change your mind first, then change the law. It may feel that the story is more straightforward, but its practical significance is greater than the film...

  • Candace 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    A not-so-comprehensive biopic of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which cuts to Moritz v. Commissioner's crux after recounting her sexist-pressured law school and job-hunting experiences and happy but tumultuous family life in the 1960s . The first step to leveraging the sexism ironclad at the legal level in the United States was the sexist harm suffered by men in taxation. This beginning and the notions of sexism in the film that seem absurd today but were strong reasons in the courts at the time are very...

  • Guido 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    A not-so-comprehensive biopic of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which cuts to Moritz v. Commissioner's crux after recounting her sexist-pressured law school and job-hunting experiences and happy but tumultuous family life in the 1960s . The first step to leveraging the sexism ironclad at the legal level in the United States was the sexist harm suffered by men in taxation. This beginning and the notions of sexism in the film that seem absurd today but were strong reasons in the courts at the time are very...

  • Chaim 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    A not-so-comprehensive biopic of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which cuts to Moritz v. Commissioner's crux after recounting her sexist-pressured law school and job-hunting experiences and happy but tumultuous family life in the 1960s . The first step to leveraging the sexism ironclad at the legal level in the United States was the sexist harm suffered by men in taxation. This beginning and the notions of sexism in the film that seem absurd today but were strong reasons in the courts at the time are very...

  • Green 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    At least it was a time when young hopefuls were trying to change the world. And now, decades later, everyone feels entitled to ridicule politically correct, wily innocent people (again) actively joining in the stigma of intellectual liberals. (Title: RBG is great, the movie is good, and the hope of the American Empire is still...

  • Jeanne 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    At least it was a time when young hopefuls were trying to change the world. And now, decades later, everyone feels entitled to ridicule politically correct, wily innocent people (again) actively joining in the stigma of intellectual liberals. (Title: RBG is great, the movie is good, and the hope of the American Empire is still...

  • Monserrat 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    The movie itself is not very good, but the real characters and stories are touching enough. I saw the choking last scene, I couldn't help it. Ali bought theatrical distribution, but it hasn't been released in mainland China. It's a great...

  • Simeon 2022-03-23 09:03:26

    The title is really translated. . . no...

  • Jada 2022-03-23 09:03:26

    To put RBG's argument into Marx's words is: it is legal to use yesterday's despicable actions (jurisprudence) to justify today's despicable actions (current law). However, RBG is still very restrained and tries not to resort to "natural law", but to some kind of social jurisprudence version of the interpretation of the legislator's purpose (social change); on the contrary, the Ministry of Justice's argumentation is also mixed with legal positivism ("Because historical precedents determine that...

  • Yvette 2022-03-23 09:03:26

    Both Fei and Ami's performances are very good, and the story itself is rational but not vulgar, true but not promiscuous. But more than serious. This couple is also very cute, Ami is a perfect...

Extended Reading

On the Basis of Sex quotes

  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg: I want to convince the federal courts that those laws are unconstitutional.

    Charles Moritz: How do you do that?

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg: One case at a time... starting with yours.

    Charles Moritz: So, I'm a guinea pig?

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg: No sir. You're the man marching out ahead of the band, leading the way.

  • Dorothy Kenyon: You found a bachelor taking care of his mother at home. Judges will be repulsed by him.

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Feeling anything is a start.