Nuts Comments

  • Melissa 2023-01-23 05:10:05

    Passionate and penetrating character creation, strong plot tension and...

  • Reed 2022-12-31 12:07:14

    Searched all morning. . . Wonderful court...

  • Elsa 2022-12-30 11:39:03

    This is so cold. ....

  • Katrine 2022-12-01 04:54:47

    Nothing good except...

  • Idella 2022-10-26 19:36:26

    Streisand's performance was a bit OTT, always worried that she would suddenly open her arms and sing a song in the next...

  • Dorothy 2022-10-24 06:58:35

    I Demand Judgment/Burning Woman. Nuts.1987.Zhongzi,...

  • Toby 2022-10-24 06:02:25

    Will giving full marks to this film expose my identity as a comrade? Barbara Streitree is really good at picking movies! After seeing some of her masterpieces, she gradually understood where her GAY DIVA identity came from. This court scene, I always thought it was Julia Roberts as a female lawyer, so I didn't dare to watch it. A boring morning and watched it with Ark-a huge surprise! This is a piece of the family value that has captured the middle class. Prostitution for pleasure is not...

  • Sasha 2022-10-19 16:14:08

    Great performance by Barbara...

  • Hattie 2022-10-06 21:35:49

    Give eight stars to Barbra Streisand’s...

  • Haven 2022-10-06 21:08:19

    Barbra Streisand is a very thoughtful actor and producer, as well as a feminist fighter who has the courage to speak up and make changes. This film sorts out the situation before and after the incident and the young family of the heroine through hearings, showing the reality that women were still reduced to objects in the late 1920s. They suffer discrimination and are treated unfairly. That's why Claudia's seemingly crazy behavior in court is because she can't bear such...

Extended Reading

Nuts quotes

  • Aaron Levinsky: You look wonderful.

    Claudia Draper: You know what I use this dress for? For the ones who want to sit on Mommy's lap.

  • Francis MacMillan: Do you believe Dr. Morrison is acting out of a personal motive?

    Claudia Draper: No, I'm sure he believes what he believes. He thinks whores are girls who hang out on 8th Avenue and stick needles in their arms. He knows whores aren't nice white girls from nice white families. He knows that just as sure as he knows his wife is at home cleaning the oven. Isn't that right Herbie? But what if he's wrong? What if his wife is out balling the insurance salesman? What if he doesn't know his ass from his elbow? What if he's just an asshole with power to lock me up? What if that's all he is? An asshole with power.