Nuts Comments

  • Hilton 2023-09-28 00:36:26

    Five stars for the awesome heroine. This movie should be the easiest scene I have ever seen! As far as the prison, the court and the apartment are very short exterior scenes. So it feels like the movie is short. Actually, the content is comprehensive. Thinking about the power of men and women, questioning authority, and investigating psychology are all highlights, even after watching the movie. The heroine was impressed by her crazy and sober attitude towards life....

  • Burdette 2023-09-04 17:08:12

    The waves are not shocked. The film has already guessed the reason and the ending in the middle of the film, and there is no moving point. It is completely Barbara's personal show. A mediocre...

  • Clementine 2023-08-05 02:50:51

    The poster is too...

  • Freda 2023-07-02 02:21:54

    The actress is really...

  • Andy 2023-06-15 10:06:37

    The wonderful part of defending yourself in...

  • Guy 2023-05-28 02:56:28

    In the name of love, her parents wanted to put her in a mental hospital, not a prison, but she refused. A sober woman, the final excuse was wonderful. "You can diagnose me as a madman. It's just a piece of paper, but you can't make me a madman." Yes, why do everyone want me to live the life they want? And think it's good for me? Think this is helping me? I can take responsibility for my...

  • Brown 2023-05-21 23:54:03

    In America, bitches are not easy. Sister Gan Lulu Guo and Tang Hui must be mentally prepared before they go to the United...

  • Daphney 2023-04-01 21:46:20

    Saw it a long time ago, reckoning. Hollywood's first...

  • Ernest 2023-03-14 19:07:12

    Barbara's performance is...

  • Letha 2023-02-21 06:16:01

    It might be unremarkable today...but it was a surprise to see such a work in...

Extended Reading

Nuts quotes

  • Aaron Levinsky: You look wonderful.

    Claudia Draper: You know what I use this dress for? For the ones who want to sit on Mommy's lap.

  • Francis MacMillan: Do you believe Dr. Morrison is acting out of a personal motive?

    Claudia Draper: No, I'm sure he believes what he believes. He thinks whores are girls who hang out on 8th Avenue and stick needles in their arms. He knows whores aren't nice white girls from nice white families. He knows that just as sure as he knows his wife is at home cleaning the oven. Isn't that right Herbie? But what if he's wrong? What if his wife is out balling the insurance salesman? What if he doesn't know his ass from his elbow? What if he's just an asshole with power to lock me up? What if that's all he is? An asshole with power.