Nothing Personal Comments

  • Milan 2023-09-21 02:35:40

    Surprise to see Stephen Rea again, a Scorpio Irish man with a melancholy...

  • Sheridan 2023-09-19 21:07:59

    The girl's relationship broke down, and she abandoned everything in the past, including her wedding ring, to go alone, and sleep in the wild. She met Martin, an old man who had lost his wife and lived in isolation by a lake. According to Martin's suggestion, the girl exchanged food for her labor. The agreement between the two is that you work, I provide food, and no one should ask anyone "who are you, where are you from, and where are you going". When the relationship is "broken", one of the...

  • Richard 2023-09-12 09:27:08

    Embrace loneliness, give up loneliness, and it finds you...

  • Aubree 2023-09-05 14:28:40

    At first, I thought that the perfect "nothing personal" loneliness was the end of the traveler. In fact, we all realized it too late. The root cause of obsessive loneliness is just the lack of unknown...

  • Lizeth 2023-08-16 17:31:08

    Lonely island,...

  • Dorris 2023-08-09 04:29:16

    It really has the style of watermelon shredded pork. . . The story is so fresh and boring. In fact, I would rather see it as a little fable about the process of human-to-human relationships. They start to guard against each other and don’t understand each other, and then slowly get familiar with each other. In the end, someone always leaves first. The loneliness and desolation of Ireland is also a metaphor for the eternal loneliness of mankind. But I don't think the director thinks so wow,...

  • Melissa 2023-08-03 21:07:58

    Ireland's big rocky seaside is...

  • Vallie 2023-07-20 23:06:47

    All alone in the...

  • Landen 2023-07-20 03:30:41

    Don't know where you come from, don't ask where you're going, nothing personal, don't even know your name, just accompany you in the name of strangers, they have nothing to do but love each...

  • Derick 2023-07-01 17:25:25

    The vastness and purity of Ireland, the gentleness and Zen of the uncle who joined the WTO, but this is not a road movie like a wandering...

Extended Reading

Nothing Personal quotes

  • Martin: Talent knows where to stop.

  • Martin: You're too educated to know what's good.

Nothing Personal

Director: Urszula Antoniak

Language: English,Dutch,Irish Gaelic,German Release date: November 19, 2010