Newness Comments

  • Zack 2023-07-30 23:51:26

    I rely on some of you to love and do it, can I stop doing it?...

  • Winifred 2023-07-25 03:21:14

    Humans are not machines, they are emotional creatures after all, and they can't just delete garbage with one click like a hard drive. We live, we love, we are grateful. Playing Tantan always has a tiring day. You have to clarify your purpose in life. Fortunately, the heroine finally woke up. Instead of spending time wondering what type the other person likes? Does he really like me? It's better to find your own goal, to find the person you love. Contemporary love is such a paradox, while...

  • Carson 2023-07-09 08:18:25

    The real break-in is much more brutal than that. The ending doesn't stand up to scrutiny, but it could be another...

  • Johnnie 2023-07-08 03:33:19

    Don't talk so nicely if you're moaning and don't want to be...

  • Cortez 2023-06-28 04:39:54

    If there is no dialogue between the male and female protagonists at the end, it will look...

  • Johnny 2023-06-23 20:26:37

    Now it's popular to shoot movies in two hours. . . ....

  • Tremaine 2023-06-23 04:21:58

    Love this movie that explores the relationship between the sexes. Single-mindedness or openness, compromise or freedom, sincerity or privacy, this film aims to choose, when the bottleneck period of love encounters the temptation of the outside world and the heart. What made us in the Huahua world finally give up the prosperity and stay alone, and maybe decide to return to the dull moment, we found the...

  • Shana 2023-06-17 13:12:50

    The real open relationship should be a dynamic balance of love. It may be easy for Europeans (France, Spain, Italy, etc.) to shoot, but this film is not good. It is still a story of two incompetent lovers who can't establish a relationship. And the causal relationship between love incompetence and YP is hard to say, maybe it's a vicious...

  • Vinnie 2023-06-11 19:29:07

    The part of getting up in the morning to make breakfast really made me feel a little nauseous. The shot of the two holding each other is also disgusting. greasy....

  • Janiya 2023-06-03 18:56:56

    Find another reason for me to feel good and stand...

Extended Reading

Newness quotes

  • Martin Hallock: Do you want other people?

    Gabi Silva: Sometimes, I miss flirting with other people. Do you?

    Martin Hallock: Part of me does, yeah.

    Gabi Silva: Which part of you doesn't?

    Martin Hallock: The part that's afraid I'll lose you.

    Gabi Silva: If you are honest with me, you will never loose me. Just have to be honest.

    Martin Hallock: Yeah, I'll will be always honest.

  • Paul: Love is two people who don't give up on each other.


Director: Drake Doremus

Language: English,Catalan,Spanish Release date: November 3, 2017

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