Newness Comments

  • Natalia 2023-09-26 11:31:57

    Just like the chaotic relationship between the two protagonists in the film, the director's thinking in this film is also chaotic. The thinking of the characters in the film is elusive and all kinds of...

  • Martine 2023-09-19 09:11:43

    A relationship that was abnormal and unhealthy at the beginning. It took two hours to explore the loneliness, emptiness, and uncomfortableness between the hero and the heroine. After the two people turned green, it seemed to open the door to a new world of relationship. After a writer mentioned something, the actor felt that this was not right for some reason. I felt that either he would live in peace and security, or he would be happy to divide. There are so many moths, it’s just too...

  • Guiseppe 2023-09-16 09:43:16

    Almost thought it was the US version of "Predecessor 3: The Men and Women Who Have A Date". This story is actually very Judd Apatou, two men and women who have a mess, and finally realized the three correct traditional ways of love. The previous discussion of the open emotional relationship between men and women in modern cities is a bit of a novelty. You will soon discover that they actually don't want to be responsible, are not ready, and feel that they are still young and not enough. The...

  • Lacey 2023-09-09 11:25:57

    A bitch with a dog,...

  • Marcia 2023-09-05 01:54:05

    The poster is left for the last shot, waiting for the one to settle you down. The cool tones of the whole play were originally quite comfortable, but I often get dizzy with all the shaky shots for two seconds, only the dialogue and face of the whole film can support it. I didn't expect the heroine to have such a good-looking figure, so Nizi doesn't need to say too...

  • Osbaldo 2023-09-05 01:07:46

    The novelty always fades, how to maintain a relationship, this is an old topic. The whole movie does not tell a good story, it is a combination of fragmented paragraphs, which is very...

  • Lacey 2023-08-29 23:31:01

    The love of modern people is very...

  • Linnie 2023-08-16 03:54:06

    I used a lot of baby lenses to shoot close-up close-ups, the lens is very...

  • Torey 2023-08-10 23:56:15

    Although the software is used as a carrier, the issues discussed must not be new. The effect of replacing Tinder with Tinder Bar is the...

  • Destini 2023-08-04 18:45:04

    3.5 stars, the extra half star is for Xiao...

Extended Reading

Newness quotes

  • Martin Hallock: Do you want other people?

    Gabi Silva: Sometimes, I miss flirting with other people. Do you?

    Martin Hallock: Part of me does, yeah.

    Gabi Silva: Which part of you doesn't?

    Martin Hallock: The part that's afraid I'll lose you.

    Gabi Silva: If you are honest with me, you will never loose me. Just have to be honest.

    Martin Hallock: Yeah, I'll will be always honest.

  • Paul: Love is two people who don't give up on each other.


Director: Drake Doremus

Language: English,Catalan,Spanish Release date: November 3, 2017

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