Naked Comments

  • Amber 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    When he can chat with you about philosophy anytime, anywhere, you will find that the world is really over, and the absurdity is on the streets. Such a crazy and decadent person is really asshole and...

  • Carmela 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    This powerless mess is what I got from taking my first steps in...

  • Angie 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    A London street traveler who is obsessed with reading, everyone talks about philosophy, but his pessimistic thoughts can't impress anyone. The two men in the film, one living a prosperous life and the other wandering on the streets, treat sex rudely and violently. 1. The "present" is the best, but it doesn't exist, and the past and the future are full of sorrow and pain, sickness and death. 2. I plan to commit suicide on my 40th birthday, I can't accept my old self. 3. Sometimes the highest...

  • Noah 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Perhaps it is not just the protagonist of this movie, there are many people who have had such a disillusioned time in their lives. They do not want to do any work, but just want to think about something. As for what it is, it is difficult to express exactly what it is, and it seems so absurd. . So, we just waste our lives waiting, waiting, and waiting until the moment of disillusionment comes. We will read Nietzsche, Stieson, and Hemingway, and we will feel that those "despicable" jobs are...

  • Briana 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    Three and a half. It's ironic, the title of the film is naked, but the male protagonist is a hypocrite who seems to have read some books, reminds me of too many film and television migrant workers in mainland China at present, ungrounded, full of doctrine, full of family and world, People talk about human rights, freedom and democracy, but in fact, life is a mess, poor in urine and blood, arrogant, and hypocritical. A life ruined by film and television, a life ruined by higher education, a...

  • Winona 2022-04-21 09:02:55

    After watching every Mike Lee movie, I want to beat someone to vent. Life is too...

  • Hadley 2022-04-21 09:02:55

    - So, why did you come to London? - Come to run in the marathon. - Will you give me a straight answer, please? - Well, I had to get out of Manchester 'cause I was gonna get a beating... - and I come down here and, uh...get a...

  • Griffin 2022-04-21 09:02:55

    Odyssey's journey without...

  • Dee 2022-04-21 09:02:55

    Mike Leigh seems to be possessed by Shakespeare, more like Shakespeare's play than "Odyssey", a pure British film. David Thewlis roams modern London as if Hamlet is possessed, so weak, so fierce, so lonely, so attractive, with punch lines and a charming prediction of the demise of mankind in 2012. The last shot is so beautiful, like a one-leg...

  • Trent 2022-04-21 09:02:55

    There must be an entire philosophy in it while I doubt that could anyone understand...

Extended Reading

Naked quotes

  • Johnny: You think you can recapture your youth by fucking it? You don't want to fuck me. You'll catch something cruel.

  • Johnny: No matter how many books you read, there is something in this world that you never ever ever ever ever fucking understand.


Director: Mike Leigh

Language: English Release date: February 4, 1994

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