Naked Comments

  • Ericka 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    Following the almost harsh rhythm of the drama, in the hysterical violent, there is a gentleman's compassion, close to the ground survey. The sheets covered with dandruff, the crevices of the fingers accumulated with dirt, and the messy and humid kitchen, all these unbearably reflect the confrontation and reconciliation of the giant babies. Under the rough surface of life, I can still see tender compassion, and the master's tactics have won people's...

  • Chelsea 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    Seeing the actor being beaten, I feel relieved. Is the director's goal achieved by making the audience feel disgusted with the male protagonist? Through the words and deeds of male characters, the film shows the repression and violence of men against women in society, as well as the final two endings of women, either collapse or take up a knife to...

  • Damaris 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    Interesting and great texture. The chaos and nervousness can still be so sober, the decadence and violent can be so personable, the boredom can still be so talkative, and the preaching can be so nonsense. This is the British fan, this is the British...

  • Percy 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    Mike Li Cheng's famous work, won the 1993 Cannes Best Director, David Huolis defeated Zhang Guo and won the Cannes actor. 1. A cynic who loves to read, on a wandering trip to London, catching strangers in the street and talking about it, as if he has seen the truth of the universe, but he leads his life in such a crazy, neurotic, self-exile, dejected and lonely. 2. Sex with too much force is like pulling the hair tightly. Another cruel, violent and arrogant macho in the side line leads a...

Extended Reading

Naked quotes

  • Johnny: You think you can recapture your youth by fucking it? You don't want to fuck me. You'll catch something cruel.

  • Johnny: No matter how many books you read, there is something in this world that you never ever ever ever ever fucking understand.


Director: Mike Leigh

Language: English Release date: February 4, 1994

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