Naked Comments

  • Jettie 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    I met johnny in reality and I would like to be hammered to death, but I live in the movie but too fuckin'...

  • Jean 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    Poor people after...

  • Marcellus 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    The master is the master. This speculation, this line, this comedy, this sound and picture coordination, this performance, this emotion, is absolutely...

  • Kiana 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    This person doesn't manage relationships, and likes to do nothing and spend his whole life in a humble mouth. It is precisely because of this idiot that the film feels like nonsense. This is the third work I saw by Mike Lee. Each one is different, especially this one has too many dark sides, the male lead has good skills, and it also represents a kind of pessimistic and decadent...

  • Antonio 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    I hope to have six...

  • Brooke 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    The wonder of this world is that it may collapse in the next second at any time, but at this moment it is still flowing and reveling like hope. He is wandering and sad, reading a lot of books, and his brain waves extend in all directions. He is invincible to the charm of the opposite sex. Most people don’t understand him. He can understand most people. His girlfriend can understand him, but he doesn’t need to understand, because he lives not to stay nor to speak, but to feel himself. Living, in...

  • Amelia 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    The first half didn't get into the scene very much, and the second half began to resonate, but it was still a layer apart. Mike Lee still prefers to take pictures of ordinary people. To me, homeless people feel strange, but Lee's hard work has made me feel a little less...

  • Foster 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    Revisit! I was shocked to be speechless. This is clearly a modern version of Odyssey, a contemporary metaphor of Ulysses. I have never seen a man who loves life like the male protagonist. Everyone in the movie is waiting. Love comes, but nothingness and anger follow. A fable about time and aging. How can human beings resist the fear and confusion of the future? The protagonist has moved towards idealistic pessimism, what about...

  • Amelia 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    Via the monochromatic kaleidoscope, one can spot assorted unbelievably UNLIKEABLE persons performing violence and low-class's love. The only thing lost is the optimistic power of life, which is always hidden in Leigh's improvised...

  • Charlene 2022-01-07 15:54:18

    Mike Lee uses a large number of fixed scenes and lines to dig out the loneliness, emptiness and despair in sex and violence... But I still prefer "Another...

Extended Reading

Naked quotes

  • Johnny: You think you can recapture your youth by fucking it? You don't want to fuck me. You'll catch something cruel.

  • Johnny: No matter how many books you read, there is something in this world that you never ever ever ever ever fucking understand.


Director: Mike Leigh

Language: English Release date: February 4, 1994

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