My Girlfriend's Boyfriend Comments

  • Celine 2023-03-17 16:07:26

    The ending is so...

  • Sasha 2023-03-05 18:12:21

    The last one on Ahang accidentally watched a bad...

  • Corene 2023-02-24 11:04:45

    The ending is so unexpected~ 3 stars for the ending. . . I almost fell...

  • Al 2023-02-17 18:17:07

    Very good, very...

  • Joana 2023-02-03 10:17:43

    . . . . . Modern...

  • Lola 2023-02-02 06:30:46

    A refreshing movie. Like the big boy next door, the male protagonist who keeps writing and insists on writing is sincere, kind, persistent, and willing to be poor for his ideals. In his writings, the girl who loves deeply falls in love with the other side of his ideal, a man who has a successful career, is personable, mature, stable and talented. Fortunately, the girl still insisted on her heart and chose him who was obsessed with...

  • Lonzo 2023-01-30 08:46:44

    A variety of differences, suitable for the community to teach you and friends to complain about bad...

  • Lysanne 2023-01-09 10:40:34

    3.5 I downloaded the wrong movie, but I watched it pretty well, without any burden, it suits my current mood, maybe the script is not perfect, it doesn't...

  • Anahi 2022-12-20 08:10:31

    In fact, it’s not bad, but the director did not allow the audience to identify with the heroine. In the end, there was suspense, and there was also a reversal. I just don’t know that the heroine was designed as a cheating bitch before, how many people can stick to the...

  • Breana 2022-12-17 06:13:47

    It's too watery, the storyline doesn't explain anything, and the cutscenes are...

Extended Reading

My Girlfriend's Boyfriend quotes

  • Jesse Young: Favorite President?

    Troy Parker: Rutherford B. Hayes.

    Jesse Young: You can't just make up a name!