My Brother the Devil Comments

  • Halle 2023-04-10 06:18:09

    Floyd is so beautiful it suffocates...

  • Erwin 2023-04-04 09:54:07

    I hate lantern parties...!...

  • Raleigh 2023-03-19 13:58:28

    English ah...

  • Elmore 2023-03-08 20:11:02

    The same-sex scenes are pitifully small, just a little bit from east, west, north and south. Are you filming a TV series,...

  • Reyes 2023-02-18 22:54:26

    2014: Is there a reason to win a photography award? The Egyptian girl on the rooftop, the tears of my brother and the slabs of the British suburbs in the sun moved me the most. I just said I have to go to Bristol... The last time I saw such an obsessive scene, I would like to thank the eccentric Sketch...

  • Shaina 2023-01-28 07:27:59

    I can't keep up with the accent and the...

  • Roger 2023-01-14 05:00:35

    That episode was so...

  • Paris 2023-01-11 11:16:21

    Leaving aside the gangster movie that has already faded away, handing over a film that has so many elements and is so difficult to control to a new director, the logic and the flaws are instantly stretched. However, the photography of the film is first-class, and the capture of light and shadow is very...

  • Toby 2023-01-05 19:09:46

    The photography is good, the brother is really handsome, two and a half...

  • Jackie 2023-01-02 12:46:28

    PLZ this is not a gay movie why everybody paied so much attention onto how could Rashid turn to gay, this movie is about brotherhood about family bond and support. fags fuck yourself plz, if you fags cannot get this movie's gist, dont even bother to show your...