My Architect Comments

  • Herminia 2023-05-18 01:14:52

    The teacher put it in class, I like it very...

  • Ottilie 2023-05-08 23:02:10

    Only architecture is my...

  • Ashtyn 2023-05-06 05:47:40

    Maybe he just disappeared and I'll see him again. If he is indeed there, it must be...

  • Amiya 2023-04-28 16:48:50

    The front will always feel very tacky, American culture, sensational soundtrack, American (including this illegitimate director) way of thinking, until I saw the Kimbell Art Museum, I realized that Kang is indeed too different, maybe Kang himself is popular in the United States. It's an irony in the culture. "I don't think I will be a great pianist, but I may be a great composer." I wanted to go to India to see those two buildings and was moved. "He gave us...

  • Edythe 2023-04-12 02:37:02

    I don't know what to say if I feel too much, if there can be many Mies, many Zahas, many Koolhaas, many BIGs in the world, but it seems that there will only be one Kang, whether it is architectural style or in terms of...

  • Anahi 2023-04-04 16:07:48

    -Did you see him?...

  • Junius 2023-03-21 06:41:45

    The process is depressing, please pass if you don't know KAHN. Please don't miss it if you know...

  • Zane 2023-03-16 23:39:29

    Watch a documentary from his son's perspective while reading a...

  • Yasmin 2023-03-12 22:44:53


  • Micheal 2023-03-11 07:20:03

    Too bad I don't understand it without...

Extended Reading

My Architect quotes

  • Louis Kahn: A work of art... is not a living thing... that walks or runs. But the making of a life. That which gives you a reaction. To some it is the wonder of man's fingers. To some it is the wonder of the mind. To some it is the wonder of technique. And to some it is how real it is. To some, how transcendent it is. Like the 5th Symphony, it presents itself with a feeling that you know it, if you have heard it once. And you look for it, and though you know it you must hear it again. Though you know it you must see it again. Truly, a work of art is one that tells us that Nature cannot make what man can make.

  • Louis Kahn: When you want to give something presence, you have to consult nature. And there is where design comes in. If you think of brick, for instance, you say to brick, "What do you want, brick?" And brick says to you, "I like an arch." And if you say to brick, "Look, arches are expensive, and I can use a concrete lintel over you. What do you think of that, brick?" brick says, "I like an arch."

    [Students laugh]

    Louis Kahn: And it's important, you see, that you honor the material that you use. You don't bandy it around as though you said, "Well, we have a lot of material around. We can do it one way, we can do it another." It's not true. You can only do it if you honor the brick, and glorify the brick, instead of just shortchanging it.

My Architect

Director: Nathaniel Kahn

Language: English Release date: November 12, 2003

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