Murmur of the Heart Comments

  • Felipe 2022-11-11 10:16:34

    a little troubling and perverse, but strangely beautiful in a...

  • Mossie 2022-11-10 04:08:29

    3.5. Sexual arousal is still "early spring"...

  • Erling 2022-10-06 00:55:04

    "I Spit on Your Grave" and "O Mother's Story", oh yeah~ This kid is so lucky to have such a mother, every man should be jealous of Louis Malle. The jazz inside is too noisy....

  • Herta 2022-10-03 02:21:21

    The complex taste of growing up. Being able to navigate the political environment, class irony, and the delicate mother-son relationship with ease, cultivating a shocking and melancholic multiple emotions, Mahler's grasp of degree is...

  • Roy 2022-10-01 11:46:31

    Everything is getting...

  • Herbert 2022-09-28 09:26:25

    Everyone grows in their own way, but that process is bound to be accompanied by doubts and unexpected pain. The plot is a bit slow, but the overall tone is humorous and subtle. I hope that every growth can be concluded with...

  • Vergie 2022-09-27 17:33:25

    Amazing. Wish I had seen it when I were...

  • Jose 2022-09-21 23:03:22

    developed a strong interest in...

  • Myrtis 2022-09-13 20:17:15

    0303 Séance présentée par Wes Anderson « Mon film préféré, par l'un des plus grands maîtres du cinéma. » (Wes Anderson) after Films de bordel des années 20 Sélection de films pornographiques issus des collections du CNC.Accompagnement musical de Gabriel Thibaudeau.

  • Angelo 2022-09-13 18:38:10

    I never thought of chasing the French New Wave on purpose, but I like this film very much, youth without sexual desire is not real youth, and I like the angle of Louis Mahler's expression of sex. Hearing jazz again, wondered if it was his favorite type of...

Extended Reading

Murmur of the Heart quotes

  • Michel, Laurent's friend: They punished my whole class Saturday.

    Laurent Chevalier: What for?

    Michel, Laurent's friend: We put a bra on the statue of St. Thérèse.

    Laurent Chevalier: You're such babies. You know what my brothers did? You know that big statue of St. Ignatius? They hoisted it onto the chapel roof. My parents were furious.

    Michel, Laurent's friend: Were they caught?

    Laurent Chevalier: Someone squealed. They tried claiming it was a miracle. They got expelled anyway.

  • Michel, Laurent's friend: I just read "The Little Prince". Great book, don't you think?

    Laurent Chevalier: Not bad. A bit overrated.