Murmur of the Heart Comments

  • Harmon 2023-05-03 13:35:18

    Mahler's shortcomings are obvious. He has always been aloof and indifferent, very ironic, and rarely enters the hearts of characters. He scratched his head and made the semi-autobiography as if it had nothing to do with him. Many interesting plot lines have ended without success, such as the priest's suspicion of child molestation and the influence of his mother's derailment on the protagonist. It's even ambiguous whether sexual desires are genuine curiosity or...

  • Alvina 2023-04-15 04:16:55

    I love Louis Malle so much that when he tells stories, he does his duty and makes people...

  • Douglas 2023-04-10 04:08:31

    A mother dedicates her body to satisfy her son's sexual curiosity, which is an extreme pampering education. The source of curiosity affects a person's sexual concept. Brothers regard sex as a pleasure, so the younger brother will naturally do the same. He often masturbates, and seeks every opportunity to contact women. Satisfied until his mother fulfilled him, he also became more courageous to take the initiative to find someone else to sleep with, and the last family laughing wildly also...

  • Alfredo 2023-03-28 10:16:09

    Big Era\Cool and Shy - 11/29/16 at The Roxy...

  • Sheila 2023-03-08 09:41:19


  • Weston 2023-02-26 04:32:04

    A man's youth is an unprecedented sexual hunger....

  • Wallace 2023-02-13 08:27:25

    Malle loves to deliver shock value. But in this case the movie is not so much about incest as about adolescent sexual confusion....

  • Jaqueline 2023-02-06 07:54:48

    I spit on those who label this movie...

  • Ima 2023-01-23 14:34:50

    Completely another version of Proust, the little boy is really good at acting, and the two brothers are really...

  • Chris 2023-01-19 05:51:47

    Louis Mahler without the slightest moral taboo. The little boy is very sensitive and reads both Camus and The Story of O, which is really my type. The last family's laughter blows the incest guilt...

Extended Reading

Murmur of the Heart quotes

  • Michel, Laurent's friend: They punished my whole class Saturday.

    Laurent Chevalier: What for?

    Michel, Laurent's friend: We put a bra on the statue of St. Thérèse.

    Laurent Chevalier: You're such babies. You know what my brothers did? You know that big statue of St. Ignatius? They hoisted it onto the chapel roof. My parents were furious.

    Michel, Laurent's friend: Were they caught?

    Laurent Chevalier: Someone squealed. They tried claiming it was a miracle. They got expelled anyway.

  • Michel, Laurent's friend: I just read "The Little Prince". Great book, don't you think?

    Laurent Chevalier: Not bad. A bit overrated.