Murmur of the Heart Comments

  • Eloy 2023-06-18 11:10:34

    France is so open so early! Mom is having an affair and flirting with a young boy, and the son has no problem at all. Is it because he hates his father? Light poured in from the window and shone on the boy, what a beautiful picture! I hope I can also meet someone I love and love me. … I don't understand the ending, why did my father and brother come too? I don't know what they are laughing...

  • Ana 2023-06-18 06:04:38

    Proust + Truffaut. The boy's stray desire tends to go to all objects, but they all stop there. All-inclusive without the fear of clutter. Politesse française. Goodbye to children is also very nice, Mahler is another director who is good at portraying children's characters. Let the teenager read "I'll Spit on Your Graves" to jerk off, what did Mahler...

  • Fay 2023-06-16 23:46:32

    The seemingly subversive ending of incest, in fact, looking back, this child has experienced the healthiest period of youthful...

  • Zachery 2023-06-16 07:44:26

    Don't be a boy, less than a...

  • Marcella 2023-06-04 20:45:19

    The ending freaks me...

  • Amelie 2023-05-30 19:08:39

    The upper-class youth version of "Four Hundred Strikes" bravely explored the theme of incest, and has always pursued...

  • Ian 2023-05-22 21:24:29

    Through a Glass Darkly addressing on human lust(humanity) Murmur of the heart talking on human emotion(humanity), In Oriental Countries, this oedipal relationship is to prove our men's power and strength; In western world, we can smile from past thing in the...

  • Mikel 2023-05-17 10:27:57

    A story of a cosmic bear child growing up restlessly and in love with spring. . . And the story isn't very glamorous. . . And the object of spring is his mother. . ....

  • Haskell 2023-05-16 04:10:51

    Reminiscent of the Swedish film "Everything is Beautiful" (Don't Love the...

  • Ilene 2023-05-10 23:16:26

    Most people only see the incest of mother and son, but this is only a movie about sexual enlightenment and love. I am very envious that some countries in that era could face the exploration of sexuality by teenagers. When I think of my own days, it is bitter and...

Extended Reading

Murmur of the Heart quotes

  • Michel, Laurent's friend: They punished my whole class Saturday.

    Laurent Chevalier: What for?

    Michel, Laurent's friend: We put a bra on the statue of St. Thérèse.

    Laurent Chevalier: You're such babies. You know what my brothers did? You know that big statue of St. Ignatius? They hoisted it onto the chapel roof. My parents were furious.

    Michel, Laurent's friend: Were they caught?

    Laurent Chevalier: Someone squealed. They tried claiming it was a miracle. They got expelled anyway.

  • Michel, Laurent's friend: I just read "The Little Prince". Great book, don't you think?

    Laurent Chevalier: Not bad. A bit overrated.