Mr. Jones Comments

  • Zelma 2023-07-01 04:43:28

    Well-deserved biopics. Using Orwell's "Animal Farm" as an entry point is a bright spot, but this plot is obviously not the focus of the narrative. The protagonist's modeling method is almost the same as that of Hollywood, and the political thriller's routine design is also familiar. It's hard to believe that it was made by a European female director, and the female perspective is not shown enough. It is estimated that too many American dramas have been assimilated in...

  • Roselyn 2023-06-30 15:35:35

    The part where the reporter accidentally ate human...

  • Eloy 2023-06-25 06:45:17

    The first half feels too slow, the second half feels too fast, good guys get shot, Shameless wins Pulitzer Prizes, and the whole movie feels outrageous, especially thinking about what happened...

  • Luciano 2023-06-15 00:31:42

    To understand the film, you need to read between the...

  • Fabiola 2023-06-12 10:54:08

    The filming is not good, the connection between the different plots is too weak, and the narrative has no focus, and "Animal Farm" is bluntly applied. But the filming of the Ukrainian famine in the middle is too shocking, and the reproduction of that hellish scene is too realistic. This video is definitely one of the best shots of last...

  • Leanna 2023-06-04 00:11:38

    The second half collapsed, like scratching the tickling of a boot. It was a waste of good subject matter and a waste of...

  • Johnathan 2023-05-18 23:04:56

    Unexpectedly, the big villain of the film is the US imperialist who is collaborating with Russia. In the end, that doctrine is just a pseudo-utopia built on the suffering of the...

  • Humberto 2023-05-04 12:00:13

    Those who seek the truth will still largely be killed by the systematic methods of businessmen and politicians colluding. You see, reality is always...

  • Harley 2023-04-29 13:58:55

    I didn't know about this person's existence before, and his life is also... I don't know how to evaluate... There are really many questions in the future life that need to be reflected, including the history of my own...

  • Shanna 2023-04-26 03:20:02

    Although it is called Mr. Jones, it is not a biopic, but a cross-section. It was the brightest story in Mr. Jones' life, and the darkest period in...

Extended Reading

Mr. Jones quotes

  • Walter Duranty: I read your article. Do you think Hitler really believes the things he said?

    Gareth Jones: Lots of people say he's deranged.

    Walter Duranty: What is "deranged" in a deranged world, hmm?

  • George Orwell: [Shaking hands with Gareth Jones] Eric Blair.

    Gareth Jones: Gareth Jones

    Leonard Moore: But you won't find Eric Blair on the bookshelves. You'll have to look for Orwell, George Orwell, after the river.

Mr. Jones

Director: Agnieszka Holland

Language: English,Ukrainian,Russian,Welsh Release date: October 25, 2019