Mr. Deeds Goes to Town Comments

  • Abagail 2022-10-12 14:50:28

    A country boy's dream of a world of unity has carried out Capra's idealism. Cooper is too handsome, far less convincing in the role position than Mr. Smith of Stewart. And Jean Arthur's gaze on the male protagonist in the film can be written into an interesting...

  • Sammy 2022-10-06 15:38:53

    On the distance between fraternity and madness, the film is full of optimistic spirit of joining the WTO. It is one of Capra's representative works to express his utopian American dream. From this, we can see the recurring focus in many future films. For example, the small town mother. Issues (Mandrake Falls), the tradition of criticizing the news media (new version of Cinderella), the Suffering Lady (heroes save the United States), legal and political film court debates (the spirit of founding...

  • Wilbert 2022-10-01 04:30:51

    Cooper is pretending to be crazy and selling stupid >>>>>>> Jimmy is pretending to be crazy and selling stupid. He was so cute and sincere. Babe's testimony made me...

  • Morgan 2022-09-24 14:56:48

    Although it has a very similar theme to "Mr. Smith to Washington", although the layout is relatively small, the noble vision, sharp brushstrokes, and appropriate performance are still...

  • Macie 2022-09-17 20:41:15

    The courtroom scene is rather absurd, and the passive part at the beginning is a little hairy. . A bit of comedy. . Quite good...

  • Obie 2022-04-30 06:01:09

    After Diez learned the truth and hung up the phone, that expression changed and acted very well == One more wordy, Gary Cooper is too...

  • Michele 2022-04-30 06:01:09

    In fact, this story of "justice youth in the country falling in love with a female reporter in disguise" is not the first time I have seen it, but Capra is capable of photographing his inspirational sense. I was worried about how this story would end, but I didn't expect that there would be such a wonderful court trial at the end hahaha. In fact, when I saw Cooper's silence in the first half of the trial, I felt confused and I knew that this role was written...

  • Lottie 2022-04-30 06:01:09

    I finally started to understand why this kind of crazy comedy is called "screwball comedy". The protagonist in it is indeed crazy, doing things that are incompatible with society, but gaining both fame and fortune. It should be very interesting to investigate the ideological factors implied in that era. It is actually the mainstream ideology of the masses to establish moral commanding heights through contempt for...

  • Alysa 2022-04-30 06:01:09

    The exaggeration of the upper class and the toil of the populace, the confrontation between the city and the country, the struggle between greed and compassion, and the power of love are all perfectly unified in the play. The last court scene is the highlight. Mr. Diez is a super-perfect human who combines appearance, wisdom and heart. Gary Cooper's unsmiling and slightly naughty interpretation is a big...

  • Karson 2022-04-30 06:01:09

    Some are like the gender-swap version of "One Night Love", female reporter routines male heirs, routines gradually become true love. Most of the comedy jokes used are based on the incompatibility of identity, the difference in thinking between cities and towns, and the opposition between the upper class and the poor in the countryside; and based on this, there is a not-short preaching on the equalization of the rich and the poor after the love scene. The story The focus was a little erratic in...

Extended Reading

Mr. Deeds Goes to Town quotes

  • Cornelius Cobb: Listen, pal, I know just how you feel. A blonde in Syracuse put me through the same paces. I came out with a sour puss; but, full of fight! Come on, you don't wanna lay down now.

  • Babe Bennett: I've got to see him.

    County Hospital Guard: Now, listen sister, for the fourteenth and last time, he don't want to see nobody.

    Babe Bennett: Well, well will you just give him my name?

    County Hospital Guard: Listen, Toots, just between us, there ain't a thing in the world the matter with that guy until I mention your name. Then, he goes haywire!