Mort Dinner Rick Andre Comments

  • Rosalee 2022-12-03 07:19:22

    Rick's marginalization has given other characters more room to play, and the heavy responsibility of the show has also been handed over to Sea King - but the taste is still a little weak, after all, it is not good for grandpa to keep eating and leaving no one, but the branch time and space is really interesting , A misunderstanding caused by a bottle of wine has created a deformed and wonderful civilization. Could this be the butterfly effect? (E2 Infinite Matryoshka is really euphoric, the...

  • Vito 2022-11-27 23:21:48

    In the first episode, Morty: Forever on the brain, always lonely and dying. The creator's whimsical thoughts about time and space drama are essentially meaningless to life. In the end everyone chose some form of carnival: Rick Childishness makes enemies everywhere and various struggles. Morty's strong youth hormones lead to various ignorance and selfishness. Parents are half-dead in marriage and begin to indulge in sexual affairs. The time and space behind the portal changes their destiny due...

  • Kylee 2022-11-24 13:07:29

    It seems that the quality is better than the previous season, but it is still too bad compared to...

  • Ellen 2022-11-15 18:04:34

    Life will let you down but Rick and Morty never...

  • Abe 2022-11-15 13:37:55

    The first episode is so maddening, what should I say to continue the climax? The first episode even talked about time itself in such a popular way, and satirized many contemporary topics. And this episode is really yellow and great! In the second episode, you can hit the philosophical level by yourself, and the climax of this episode is much stronger than that in the first...

  • Tracey 2022-11-10 09:20:24

    I still think the fourth season looks better. I don't know why this season feels a little bit more wasteful lines and plots. The season average has dropped a bit, but there are still some good episodes. Now the image of each character is getting fuller and more three-dimensional, so just keep watching! Rick and Morty forever and forever a hundred years (whisper: and...

  • Orland 2022-11-04 14:18:48

    If I want to watch shit, I might as well watch South Park over the...

  • Linnie 2022-10-10 16:13:53

    Can the director be replaced? ? ? ? ?...

  • Eduardo 2022-10-06 22:04:16

    The level of single episodes is like a world-class roller coaster, and the powerful episodes continue to hit hard, especially the last three episodes are like a set of gentle and lingering combo punches with deadly power; the bad episodes continue to lower the lower limit, if I want to see the rule of the big sperm For stories like the world, I went to watch "Crispberry Park"...

  • Kacie 2022-10-06 18:19:58

    In the visual narrative text, perhaps only animation can achieve such a large pattern, which combines the most pioneering philosophy and sci-fi imagination, as well as plasma and yellow accents, which can be said to be the pinnacle of...

Extended Reading

Mort Dinner Rick Andre quotes

  • Jerry Smith: [on phone] Hello, police? A strange horny ocean man is on my lawn.

  • [the police arrive to arrest Mr Nimbus]

    Mr. Nimbus: Fight!

    [the police fight each other]

    Mr. Nimbus: Fuck!

    [the police stop fighting and start making out]

    Mr. Nimbus: Flee!

    [the police stop everything and escape]