Morning Glory Comments

  • Gladyce 2023-09-19 00:50:53

    A lot of small highlights, Rachel finally wears a white suit and runs away with a handbag with a blue scarf hanging on...

  • Zechariah 2023-09-01 20:37:33

    Just a light comedy. No need to be...

  • Berta 2023-06-21 08:04:46

    Ford's smile is so...

  • Gerhard 2023-06-07 12:17:41

    The heroine looks good with a change of...

  • Brett 2023-06-04 06:47:21

    Some of the passages are quite interesting, and the ending song is very...

  • Marcus 2023-03-16 18:22:23

    Naturally dumb little girl workplace sex change remember awkward uncle PK passionate salted fish...

  • Greyson 2023-03-06 13:29:35

    Could be more passionate. But, um. It's already very...

  • Adelbert 2023-02-24 22:10:43

    It's so pretty with...

  • Dock 2023-02-15 05:22:21

    Yes, people who are decadent and unmotivated should read more. Please recommend similar...

  • Chance 2023-01-15 07:16:10

    Harrison plus 1 star, Diane Keaton plus 1 star, Rachel is very beautiful and cute, especially professional wear plus high heels plus 1 star. Warm and humorous plus 1...

Extended Reading

Morning Glory quotes

  • [at a job interview with "The Today Show", Becky sees Mike on "DayBreak" cooking a frittata]

    Becky Fuller: Oh, my God. What is he doing? Sorry, I just... This is... Mike Pomeroy is having a nervous breakdown on air. That's kind of big news.

  • Mike Pomeroy: Nobody really cares that I can do this job, but... but I can. I wanted you to see that.

    Becky Fuller: That was a great story, Mike. That was... that was better than a great story, that was great television. I mean, that was bran with a donut. A bran donut.

    Mike Pomeroy: I've got a grandkid. Did you know that? Alexander. I haven't seen him since I got fired. I was embarrassed... after all I'd accomplished. And then to... come back to the news... this way. The truth is, I'd... I'd screwed up with my kids way before I got canned. Anyway, I was never at home and... when I was, I took every phone call, watching TV out of the corner of my eye. Why am I telling you this? You're worse than I am. You'd sleep at the office if you could. Let me tell you how it turns out. You end up with... with nothing. Nothing. Which is... which is what I had. 'Till you came along.

    Becky Fuller: Wait a second. Did you just say something nice to me?

    Mike Pomeroy: I told you I could banter.

Morning Glory

Director: Roger Michell

Language: English,Ukrainian Release date: November 10, 2010