Moonrise Kingdom Comments

  • Carmel 2023-02-02 14:52:22

    It is a fun and special film, and there are a lot of deja vu scenes that can be regarded as "tributes". The seriousness of the live-action performance appropriately creates a fairy tale atmosphere. But it is not flying enough, and I have to lose a little "The Great Fox...

  • Romaine 2023-01-13 04:12:09

    The lens is really strong. Excellent. The 12-year-old love is really literary and artistic. That kind of humor is incomparable to many movies, and that kind of unrestrained imagination is something that many movies simply do not...

  • Lilla 2022-12-22 21:42:54

    Continuing all the styles of "Fantastic Father Fox", the screenwriting, photography, and soundtrack are delightful and refreshing. Thanks to director Anderson. Worth a...

  • Dillon 2022-12-16 06:35:19

    Youth is a scary thing, a stage trampled on by children in high boots and fancy dress, who pretend to speak words they know well, words they fanatically believe but half-understood....

  • Ludwig 2022-12-11 18:11:22

    Hehe, can I say boring. . . Even if I fast-forward 10 minutes, it's a waste of...

  • Kiley 2022-12-02 14:35:46

    Typical Wes Anderson-esque absurd tone, 16mm film is so grainy. Movies made in animation are beautiful that are hard to dream of. At the end of the film, there are benefits, very long easter eggs, and very good-sounding easter...

  • Mabelle 2022-11-01 08:37:53

    It's amazing, Wes Anderson's handling of the spatial composition is really unique, and it's a one-handed...

  • Alanna 2022-10-30 01:33:55

    Nowadays, famous directors like to shoot children's themes. This film is full of stars, but unfortunately this kind of small freshness is really not my thing. Great...

  • Shaina 2022-09-19 05:51:59

    It's a good movie from any angle. The girl's occasionally exposed thighs are always easy to excite, but the underwear show in the back is completely lacking in beauty. . . . The little girl makes me mistaken for Hermione in a lot of shots. . . Although the difference in appearance is obvious. . . A bunch of big names are doing well. Bill Murray and Frances McDormand are actually quite a couple. . . Wes seems to be gradually ascending, however. . . That's what I don't...

  • Cullen 2022-09-15 01:50:27

    It's so beautiful. Anderson's classic sensitive monster child from a middle-class family is accompanied by ever stunning art and music. The little lover's flower arrangement and the wine bottle painted on the oar when he eloped to the land camp. The little boy desperately retrieved the binoculars because of that. It's her supernatural ability that is the most memorable episode. It's just too ugly to deduct one...

Extended Reading

Moonrise Kingdom quotes

  • Sam: [whispering loudly] Get out of my chimney.

    Skotak: Listen to me. We're here for friendship. We're going to get you off this island.

    Sam: [whispering] No, thanks.

    Skotak: Yes, thanks. This is an emergency rescue.

    Sam: [in normal voice] It's worthless to me. There's no point, not without Suzy.

  • Suzy: We might have to swim for it.

    Sam: How deep is it? I didn't bring my life jacket.

    Suzy: I don't know but if it's too shallow, we'll break our necks anyway.