Monsieur Verdoux Comments

  • Richmond 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    The comedy of murder is the best summary of the film. . As always, the storyline of Chaplin's filial laughter and tears is based on marrying a lady and murdering her as a career. She has inherited more than a dozen inheritances, but she already has family and children. Sympathy for a girl with a disabled husband. The war broke out and the economy was poor. It's better to make money from war. . Satirizing the situation in World War II has a similar meaning to the great dictator. . Listening to...

  • Anne 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    The more murders there are, the more innocent they will be. Who will accuse the real sinner? You have to learn to be ruthless in order to survive in this ruthless society. This god of comedy always brings tears to laughter, with a strong sense of reality and poignant irony, like a sharp knife to the deformed social system. He molested the rulers in a unique comedy way, but from beginning to end he cast his loving eyes on all living...

  • Dominique 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    Chaplin and this crazy age, a love story of a...

  • Deontae 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    Monsieur Verdue's Occupation is to "Destroy Women from the...

  • Daniella 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    It almost corresponds to the current situation in Europe... The scene of political turmoil after the depression should be shown to every European voter. In fact, after the French presidential primaries, people feel that they are one step away from...

  • Keeley 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    On the surface, it is saying that Chaplin is killing people, but in fact, it is saying that this society is killing people. Killing one person is a villain, killing a million people is a hero. Belin's darkest...

  • Keith 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    Chaplin's masterpiece with the most black temperament and irony spirit, the combination of comedy and heavy theme gives the audience a strong thinking space. A bad guy dies, why am I so...

  • Amanda 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    Orson Welles created this script based on real events in France. He wanted to shoot it himself, but was snatched by Chaplin... After reading this story, you will understand who is more suitable to...

  • Aurelio 2022-03-27 09:01:18

    It's the kind of movie that tries to jump on its own tail in vain. The criticism of "killing one is a murderer, and killing a thousand is a hero" is certainly true, but what you object, first of all, it is not something - those who hold beautiful words and beautiful words The full stop makes the masses and the party unite and fight against differences, and those who do cruel and unethical things are certainly indecent. But in the name of love, what is the difference between M. Verduin, who...

  • Dorcas 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    The details of the performance are still correct. The comedy uses the jokes made by coincidence as a routine performance. Some of the plots are slightly deliberate, and the preaching at the end is a bit obvious. Killing a person is a murderer, but the capital and economic crisis kills thousands of people but it is not a crime. It is the same as the "Rules of the Game", but Chaplin can't wait to say the point. The girl in the film is a continuation of the blind girl in "City...

Extended Reading

Monsieur Verdoux quotes

  • The Girl: That isn't love.

    Henri Verdoux: What is love?

    The Girl: Giving, sacrificing. The same thing a mother feels for her child.

    Henri Verdoux: Did you love that way?

    The Girl: Yes.

    Henri Verdoux: Whom?

    The Girl: My husband.

    Henri Verdoux: [stunned] You're married?

    The Girl: I was. He died while I was in jail.

    Henri Verdoux: [relieved] I see.

  • Henri Verdoux: [quizzing The Girl on her marriage] Tell me about him.

    The Girl: That's a long story. He was wounded in the war. A hopeless invalid.

    Henri Verdoux: An invalid?

    The Girl: That's why I loved him. He needed me, depended on me. He was like a child. But he was more than a child to me. He was a religion, my very breath. I'd have killed for him. No, love is something very real and deep. I know that. However...

    [reaches for the glass of wine]

    Henri Verdoux: Pardon me, I believe there's a little cork in that wine.