Monsieur Verdoux Comments

  • Rosalee 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Better than Dictator, he's no longer the down-and-out tramp Charlie, and at the same time he really seems to have lost his mission, or that he's finally found his. The plot is quite complete; the performance is mature and elegant, with very gentlemanly details; the control of the group drama is not very exciting in this film, and there is a good part in the wedding; the suspense is not pushed to the extreme, the suspense + comedy on the lake is a classic handling The classic in ; the wheel +...

  • Hollie 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Another thing that's great about Charles is that he can call on all types of...

  • Eusebio 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    No matter in terms of subject matter, conception or expression technique, it is impossible to ignore the dictator. Such a standard sound film must be non-Chaplinian, but I personally do not agree with the view that the emergence of the so-called sound film has accelerated the demise of the Chaplin era. This is a very high level of completion, but it is far from being as deafening as the great dictator. I will say "maybe this is the real Chaplin" instead of "this is still Chaplin", and I want to...

  • Hollis 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    "Killing one person is a murderer, but killing millions is a hero." In two hours, he briefly described a microcosm of an era. After the war, he looked back at the era of the Great Depression. Chaplin's persecuted out of the United States work, which he calls the most successful film of his career, was originally directed by Orson Welles and partially rewritten after Chaplin bought the script. It is quite different from all the previous Chaplin feature films, and plays the experience of a small...

  • Eve 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    This film belongs to an atypical Chaplin work. It not only speaks, but also has dense lines and even words; the protagonist is also different from a homeless or a worker. He has become a middle-class struggling to climb up. Defrauding the trust of the lady, murdering and stealing property, showing a fierce side. In the context of the Great Depression, the financialization of capital (stock market), and World War II, Mr. Verdus was clearly a criminal, but he realized before his death that people...

  • Eldon 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    8.5, borrowing a small character, slammed and satirized the Great Depression and the World War. The tragedy of the character is always created by the environmental era. Chaplin's works will always have that touch of humanity, such as the girl he rescued from prison, dreaming of " "City Lights", which is why I love Chaplin "Killing one makes you a criminal, killing a million makes you a hero, that's the cult of numbers" PS: Say, who met That girl won't be...

  • Sidney 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    How the Great Depression forced a man into desperation and extreme crime. He projected the plight of thousands of poor families who were suffering. Compared to the Holocaust killer, he was only amateur in comparison. Bankrupt and financially strapped, Verdue begins to look for other ways to save his life. With multiple identities, he has traveled to various places to meet with many rich wives, won their trust with all kinds of rhetoric, and tried to make money by killing people with a traceless...

  • Cassandre 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    4.5 It's hard to say who the credit goes to, or even imagine what Orson Welles would do with it. Chaplin gets it on his own with the comedy Welles needs, but the mise-en-scene becomes (inevitably, by comparison) classical. But at least there is a script that is too good and too good, and a good hand will never be broken (the second half of the body comedy is tailor-made): about the class and war of that era, capital and dreams... If in Chappe If there is a sequence that can be established...

  • Milan 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    Killing comedy, bluebeard archetype, society...

  • Ethyl 2022-04-22 07:01:48

    #watchnotes# 340 To tell the truth, it must be better to shoot according to Orson Welles’s conception. Some jokes are funny for the sake of being funny, (such as taking a rich woman to see the house and falling from the window), if there is a female liar How wonderful the mutual blog should be, (the big beauty came out and thought it would be a female version of Verdu). I don't care much about the creator's personal morals, but the ego is too big and it hurts the quality of the work and makes...

Extended Reading

Monsieur Verdoux quotes

  • The Girl: That isn't love.

    Henri Verdoux: What is love?

    The Girl: Giving, sacrificing. The same thing a mother feels for her child.

    Henri Verdoux: Did you love that way?

    The Girl: Yes.

    Henri Verdoux: Whom?

    The Girl: My husband.

    Henri Verdoux: [stunned] You're married?

    The Girl: I was. He died while I was in jail.

    Henri Verdoux: [relieved] I see.

  • Henri Verdoux: [quizzing The Girl on her marriage] Tell me about him.

    The Girl: That's a long story. He was wounded in the war. A hopeless invalid.

    Henri Verdoux: An invalid?

    The Girl: That's why I loved him. He needed me, depended on me. He was like a child. But he was more than a child to me. He was a religion, my very breath. I'd have killed for him. No, love is something very real and deep. I know that. However...

    [reaches for the glass of wine]

    Henri Verdoux: Pardon me, I believe there's a little cork in that wine.

Monsieur Verdoux

Director: Charles Chaplin

Language: English Release date: October 23, 1947