Mona Lisa Comments

  • Zack 2022-11-05 00:58:44

    Phil Colins' songs are so good in the film. All this time, I still remember everything you said. There's so much you promised, how could I ever...

  • Kellie 2022-11-03 04:05:47

    British humor, relentless pursuit of love. Neil Jordan's films are always suspenseful, humorous, and...

  • Kaleigh 2022-10-25 04:00:07

    I watched this movie just because I wanted to see Bob Hoskins and Michael Caine on the same stage, but I was unsuspectingly attracted by the plot and the protagonist's performance. The short 104 minutes created a subtle to full three-dimensional George, no wonder he helped Bob Hoskins won the Golden Ball at Cannes in one fell swoop. It's a pity I can't see his work anymore...

  • Scot 2022-10-10 01:28:33

    When I watch it, I always think of "The Crying Game". Even this actress looks like the actor. After reading it, I realize that it is a director, and this person has a strong enough...

  • Johnathan 2022-10-05 09:32:56

    Bob Hoskins swept the works of major awards, but the Oscar lost to Paul Newman, which is a...

  • Winnifred 2022-09-09 11:10:24

    4.5 It's a very satisfying romance film with a rich plot that makes people feel a little sighed and regretful. The core is a romance film! George is a real man. As a British film, it brings a strong American novel style, and the style of the whole film is very loving. The soundtrack is also Nat King...

  • Jaiden 2022-09-08 03:33:09

    About love, emotion. Street girls strippers, those lives, I work for me to get dressed up first, but no one can change the past, that's my...

  • Dameon 2022-09-06 22:09:35

    Slightly better than four. Neil Jordan has a preference for same-sex themes, and the music is...

  • Hollie 2022-09-06 19:59:21

    The title would be more appropriate "Driving for a Fucking...

  • Zita 2022-09-06 19:27:55

    CC Collection Part 107, produced in the UK in 1986. It seems that I saw another version of "Green Book", although not exactly the same, but the injustices are similar. The male driver's acquaintance with black prostitutes exposes the dark side of British pimps. Michael Caine played the big villain....

Extended Reading

Mona Lisa quotes

  • George: She was trapped. From the first time he met her. She was trapped. Like a bird in a cage. But he couldn't see it. He liked her, but he was the type who couldn't see what was in front of his face. And there she was, in pain. You can get soppy about someone, well, you can't see these things, and he was, soppy sod. She had faith in him. She believed in him. And he had a lot of hopes for her. And there was love. Yeah. She was in love alright. She really was. But not with him. And that's the story.

  • George: Told ya I was cheap, didn't I?