Mission to Mars Comments

  • Daphnee 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    Another American sci-fi lewd. Imaginative, it turns out that we are all Martians. The Woody and Terry scene was tear-jerking. In space, we all lost our freedom, and both pushed themselves to death for each other. This is love. Even in outer space, human love is still so...

  • Else 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    It is a farewell summary for the usual space genre films since the 1990s. Now it seems, not boring, but no...

  • Trevor 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    Watching directors, writers, and actors from 11 years ago tell us stories about 9 years from now...well, why do I feel like I should watch this movie in 2010? A balance over the years can be achieved. I like this kind of film so much, step by step, and include it bit by bit, and then at the end let you see what you want to see the most... Enough foreshadowing and leads... Oh, I love it so much This way of telling a story! last human...

  • Reagan 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    The first half is wonderful, the perfect shots and details, no nonsense at all, the back is a little floating, but the flaws do not hide the good,...

  • Viva 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    The previous story is a little procrastinated, but as a science fiction movie 12 years ago, he can be regarded as a contribution. In the last 30 minutes, I saw a surprise, which is also a question that I have been thinking about since I was a child. Regarding the origin of human beings, I am also very interested in that, in the end, soaking people in oxygen-enriched liquid prevents the body from moving at high speed in space It's the first time this theory is used in a sci-fi film. At least I'm...

  • Caterina 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    This kind of American theme film is still very charming. Although it is relatively mediocre, it has to admit that Hollywood is capable of making entertainment films. There are many similarities with Prometheus. There are two expeditions; about the origin of humans, the same ancestors integrated their DNA into the earth's water...

  • Makayla 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    I was a little touched by two scenes: one is that if I am the only one on a planet, I will go crazy in a month; in addition, the statement that life on Earth originated from Mars is too nonsense, since the wisdom of Mars is advanced there, why? Let the earth evolve from a single cell, after 4.5 billion years, come back to find...

  • Adelbert 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    80/100, there is no shortage of exciting passages, no shortage of spectacle scenes, and no shortage of excellent passages, but as a whole, it is indeed not that good, but this meticulous high degree of completion makes it quite satisfying to watch...

  • Ewald 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    Although it paid tribute to "2001 A Space Odyssey", it also provided nutrients to sci-fi films such as "The Martian" and "Gravity" in later generations. With the traceback of the origin of mankind at the end, it can be said that DePalma is indeed unwilling to be lonely. And these are all done within the mainstream Hollywood framework. We are all...

  • Keith 2022-03-26 09:01:07

    The first half is obviously loose in structure. Human faces on Mars. The ending is not so much a display of the beauty of noble civilization, as it is the limited...

Extended Reading

Mission to Mars quotes

  • Jim McConnell: They're us. We're them.

  • Jim McConnell: What is she now?

    Phil Ohlmyer: A frog...?