Missing Comments

  • Giovani 2022-03-17 09:01:06

    Although it is the subject of political conspiracy, the filming is relatively relaxed and even has a comedy style. The affection among them is quite...

  • Garnett 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    To deal with this kind of movie too aggressively, you must be careful everywhere, but some details almost ruined the...

  • Deja 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    Political thrillers are hard to see now. The picture is quite shocking, and the theme song is very nice. A lot of what I saw was the conflict between Ed and Joyce and government officials. It is the officials of the U.S. Embassy in Chile who have ignored the "right to know" of Ed and Joyce! Therefore, I think the focus of the film is not on the "Death of Charles Horman", but on "Looking for Charles...

  • Kris 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    Gavas’s political films are really powerful. They don’t deliberately create bloodshed scenes, but make people fall into a vortex that is as nervous and helpless as the protagonist step by step. Jack Clement and Sissi Pasek played very...

  • Joanie 2022-03-15 09:01:05

    It’s a bit unclear why such a serious director would lead the direction of light comedy? Or is my feeling wrong? In my opinion, the application of some techniques is very untimely. It feels very wrong, not like this. Two stars. One is given to restore the shocking scene, and the other is a tribute to the young people who died for...

  • Gudrun 2022-03-14 14:12:26

    This is the eighth work by Jack Clement I have seen. The first seven comedies are all from Billy Wilder, so I was very doubtful how he got the Grand Slam winner (Oscar, Cannes, Venice, Berlin), this semi-documentary gives a good example. A miraculous scene: In the evening the gunshots, Spicer curled up and looked at the street, a white horse hissed past... the screams of political...

  • Timothy 2022-01-11 08:02:49

    Putting aside the United States as a benchmark for democracy and freedom and the superiority of American citizens, the political metaphors in the film are the real history that has been staged in many countries. Even today in 2012, our country will issue sentences 73 It is only a matter of time before such a law and [The Great Disappearance] such a cruel history of PI* people repeat themselves. Maybe bad luck does not happen to you, and you never need to know or care at all....

  • Nigel 2022-01-11 08:02:49

    The U.S. government intervenes in foreign affairs, cultivates political power, secretly promises the Chilean military government to massacre American citizens, conceal the truth from the media and the victims’ families, and cannot leave the building to escape the earthquake because of the curfew. This is like a surrealist ridicule. The only pillar that allows me to continue to tolerate the American theme and American superiority is the political thriller that hides the American government and...

  • Janiya 2022-01-11 08:02:49

    Gavras’ Palme d’Or, Oscar’s best screenplay and expert editing are more restrained, but there are pros and cons to the Hollywood-style performances of actor Lemon and Spicer. While the dissidents’ father-in-law and daughter-in-law are looking for the truth, their views on the country have also changed. Voices and pictures are recounted out of sync, and the atmosphere of the coup world has created several eye-popping surreal moments. At least the United States has a chance to come back, and the...

  • Lucie 2022-01-11 08:02:49

    Oliver Stone is beautiful. The drama and audiovisual are too conservative, even if the scene for the classic scheduling has been set up. On the way home, I kept thinking that there are only four kinds of people left in the home of modern politics, keyboard man, cynic, Nietzsche, and journalist-style truth. And most political films can only make a fuss in the last category, because it is the only optimist among the four...

Extended Reading

Missing quotes

  • Silvio: You Americans, you always assume you must do something before you can be arrested.

  • Ed Horman: Now, erm, I owe you an apology.

    Beth Horman: No, you don't.

    Ed Horman: No, no, no. Well, for a long time now I've sold you short. Both of you. I don't really know why. Unless it's because I'm getting old. And I'm very stubborn.


Director: Costa-Gavras

Language: English,Spanish,French Release date: March 12, 1982

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