Missing Comments

  • Ara 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    Authoritarian, diary, concealment, purge... These words come from the Palme d'Or film "The Great Disappearance" made decades ago, but it still sounds so magical realism now. The perspective of the whole film is peculiar. With an elderly father and a female character, people have become screws in front of the state machine, and this entry point further highlights this sense of insignificance and powerlessness. And this film is definitely the most gentle film of Garvas. It looks at the massacre...

  • Marcia 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    The acting of the two actors is...

  • Duncan 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    All the thrilling scenes in "The Great Missing" have nothing to do with the two protagonists. A libertarian young woman and a conservative father, these two your everyday americans, who are too flat to be flat, work together to find a missing young man, while Chile's tragic political situation turns into a tragedy. Yes, no one cares about the countless bloodshed incidents in the streets and alleys, but an American would be killed with the acquiescence of the US authorities, how dare you! Such...

  • Cyrus 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    After looking around, I found a lonely one... The Lighthouse Country is still interfering in the internal affairs of other...

  • Isabel 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    I always thought Jack Lemmon looked like a kind version of Henry Fonda. The American tradition of "democracy, freedom and human rights is paramount" is not a day or two in the internal affairs of other countries. Even casually sacrificing a few of its own people is not a big problem. It's just that the people who are killed are too miserable. for political...

  • Destany 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    I like the depression and horror of the overall political and chaotic urban atmosphere, and the scene restoration mode in the interlude narrative is a bit abrupt and dramatic. However, the film's hazy unknown to the truth is the most terrifying of the film. People buried in the walls and corpses on the streets seem to be considered so-called normal,...

  • Ambrose 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    The father-son relationship is well described, very touching. I don't know much about politics, but I can see the...

  • Gladyce 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    2012 marks 1-16. Forgot why. When I watched this film, I was thinking, if it were Beijing that year, it would seem to happen too. Father looking for son. Scenes - status, like long-shot mise-en-scene. A profound attack on the American capitalist system. Serious, but rather slow-paced.

  • Emilia 2022-03-25 09:01:16

    The director's transformation from his father to reveal the conspiracy seems relatively smooth. Although it seems to be unveiling the dark curtain layer by layer, it is too powerless and not very involved in the drama. Quan should understand this...

  • Talia 2022-03-24 09:03:03

    Beautiful shot of John Shea watching kids play football through the car...

Extended Reading

Missing quotes

  • Silvio: You Americans, you always assume you must do something before you can be arrested.

  • Ed Horman: Now, erm, I owe you an apology.

    Beth Horman: No, you don't.

    Ed Horman: No, no, no. Well, for a long time now I've sold you short. Both of you. I don't really know why. Unless it's because I'm getting old. And I'm very stubborn.


Director: Costa-Gavras

Language: English,Spanish,French Release date: March 12, 1982

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