MI-5 Comments

  • Tiana 2023-04-20 06:59:48

    When will Tom's emotional line...

  • Hillary 2023-04-15 10:18:37

    Every episode will show the MI5 building, do you want to keep a low...

  • Vito 2023-04-10 22:39:43

    Matthew Macfadyen! ! Compared with American dramas, British dramas are slow and procrastinating, but the British style is definitely not something American men can...

  • April 2023-03-23 02:38:39

    The British-style spy war is not as intense as the American-style, but it is a bit more real than the American-style. I like Matthew and his lovely wife...

  • Lucie 2023-03-14 11:08:54

    Then the male lead was changed. . The...

  • Horace 2023-02-13 16:31:17

    It was originally for the male lead, but unexpectedly recognized the wrong person and met McFadden...

  • Nicolette 2023-02-13 08:15:33

    There was an episode of fried living people that scared me, abandoned the...

  • Ena 2023-02-13 07:22:16

    The woman Tom likes is ugly!...

  • Orrin 2023-02-10 19:30:16

    I was disgusted by The Vampire Diaries yesterday, so I quickly turned it over to save my brain, but Mai Feijian cried...

  • Destini 2023-01-29 02:36:38

    For the time being, I have watched the first three episodes of the first season, and the actors' looks are all good. There are no subtitles for the last three episodes, and I will think about the brain translation by myself when I come back from the little black...

Extended Reading

MI-5 quotes

  • Harry Pearce: Our people found this during the cleanup operation

    [hands over the Religious Icon to the Dying Banker]

  • Russian Mobster: [catches sight of a Religious Icon] What is it? Is beautiful!

    Banker: [sighs] A gift, enjoy it Sir.


Director: Alrick Riley, Omar Madha, Antonia Bird, Charles Beeson

Language: English Release date: July 22, 2003

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