Mere Brother Ki Dulhan Comments

  • Eliza 2023-09-19 00:39:14

    I feel very enthusiastic. Although values ​​and religious views are unacceptable, just be...

  • Adriel 2023-07-31 01:18:30

    Even if it's only once, be crazy for the one you...

  • Dennis 2023-07-11 15:53:35

    A lighthearted romantic comedy with an interesting...

  • Natalia 2023-07-05 04:38:53

    Indian singing and dancing are sometimes unbearable, is this delaying time? There are songs and dances in every play of Nima, and each play is more than two...

  • Hilma 2023-06-24 23:29:38

    The three major troubles of watching Indian movies: ugly English, ugly male protagonists (for the first time I know that he can be the male lead of a romantic movie if he grows up like this), and suddenly a group of people will pop up and sing and...

  • Rogelio 2023-06-08 12:24:43

    Haha, a happy Indian movie, I want to say, the women in it are all very...

  • Juston 2023-05-24 19:56:27

    Every time I watch an Indian movie, the only sigh is "Sister is so pretty!!!!" But on the streets of India, I really don't see a few pretty girls. Are they all dragged to make...

  • Guillermo 2023-05-22 22:02:08

    I have seen a lot of Indian movies, and have a few feelings: 1. The protagonist is always a lot worse than reality, and it is very eye-catching. .3. Group dance is a must, obviously...

  • Boris 2023-03-26 09:56:44

    Wood is as funny and touching as the Three Treasures. More dog blood. Face blindness strikes...

  • Roderick 2023-01-25 13:37:50

    What makes Bollywood movies stand out is singing and...

Extended Reading

Mere Brother Ki Dulhan quotes

  • Kush Agnihotri: You're amazing, Dimple. First you endanger my life, then you ask me to say thank you.

  • Shobit: You know, beer is the only thing in the world which makes your weariness disappear in a split second.