Men & Chicken Comments

  • Haylie 2022-09-21 10:06:39

    I am also convinced that a soft sci-fi can be made so cult and absurd! This kind of questioning the Bible with a ridiculous story is quite bold and interesting to be...

  • Nico 2022-08-21 19:30:59

    I feel something wrong when I hear the music at the beginning. Give me back my Three Views! !...

  • Bailee 2022-08-21 13:09:41

    Jue Li. What a weird chicken, haha. Uncle Mai's acting skills, that tearful and pitiful expression is really pitiful and funny. The brothers and their corresponding animal traits are perfectly matched, and if they don’t agree, they will beat the clams and...

  • Vincenzo 2022-08-21 12:41:17


  • Lloyd 2022-08-21 11:06:02

    Nordic movies are very cold, heavy and nervous. Uncle Mai is really...

  • Jewell 2022-08-21 10:48:50

    Animal World...