Me and You and Everyone We Know Comments

  • Reagan 2022-03-23 09:02:43

    Lazy men are so...

  • Damian 2022-03-23 09:02:43

    The "death journey" of the goldfish on the roof of the car is so...

  • Anissa 2022-03-22 09:02:24

    Simple warmth and necessary forbearance and...

  • Chelsey 2022-03-21 09:02:42

    Narcissism, melancholy, and pretense are scattered into Sorenz-esque group portraits that are more interesting than her later "The...

  • Marcelle 2022-03-19 09:01:06

    The details are strange and cute, and the whole film seems to be filled with translucent blue. All people are so lonely, even the last tender hug is heartbreakingly lonely. Both Miranda July and John Hawkes have so charming blue...

  • Julie 2022-03-19 09:01:06

    The cut is a bit dazed, many places are not followed by the foreword, the perspective is a bit messy, and the talking is a bit anxious, but it is a rare good film, everything can be raised, and the talent cannot be...

  • Bria 2022-03-19 09:01:06

    Weird, cute film. The sketches constructed with careless details of life, the relationship between people is also careless, but it is very subtle and interesting. Everyone is a wall, moving back and forth between desire and rejection, lonely The obstruction of infiltration and communication, those tiny emotions and veins, describe in detail the reverberation and continuity of life. Everyone finds, or loses, the rising sun, the warm light, pouring...

  • Hyman 2022-03-19 09:01:06

    The simple is not...

  • Jeanne 2022-03-19 09:01:06

    Here comes another master of loneliness, this film is simply too lonely, everyone in it is very lonely. . . Miranda July is really a weird and cute young woman (middle-aged). ....

  • Zelda 2022-03-18 09:01:05

    Me, you, every little thing about him. There are not many ups and downs, like a warm...

Extended Reading

Me and You and Everyone We Know quotes

  • Richard Swersey: Yeah, the "Ice Land" sign is halfway. It's the halfway point.

    Christine Jesperson: Ice Land is - It's kind of like that point in a relationship, you know, where you suddenly realize it's not going to last forever. You know, you can see the end in sight. Tyrone Street.

    Richard Swersey: Yeah, but we're not even there yet. We're still at the good part. We're not even sick of each other yet.

    Christine Jesperson: I'm not sick of you at all.

  • Untitled: Are you touching yourself?

    NightWarrior: [looks down at fingertips touching on edge of desk] Yes.