McQueen Comments

  • Deontae 2023-02-05 08:18:15

    The method is very regular. The core team's family and friends interviews and historical images are interviewed in order to narrate, interspersed with the iconic works of each stage, and the explanations are still quite clear and full of content. Aren't the most talented and wild designers the world-class sculptors of our time? (The end of Voss's shock is a living sculpture.) If McQueen can survive the darkest moment, how many masterpieces can he bring to the world? Alternatively, it is...

  • Elenora 2023-01-06 18:06:19

    Life isn't perfect, and we're not perfect size zero models, but there's beauty in the eye of the...

  • Rudy 2022-12-23 08:25:42

    Such mediocre documentaries are so good, all because McQueen's own life is so wonderful. Several shows left me completely dumbfounded... KM and Mi Xianzi are so...

  • Herta 2022-12-19 03:33:05

    WTF is this...

  • Emanuel 2022-12-13 22:23:39

    omg is a real artist, a true restoration. The whole movie seems calm, but it accurately restores McQueen’s from the shyness of the beginning to the chaotic exploration and design direction, and finally like the sun blooming, and the story of the dark and withering. Struggle, reflection, loss of fame and fortune, cruel reality, portrays an artistic talent that makes people look up to, but life is as ordinary as you and my...

  • Novella 2022-12-13 14:53:05

    The European Film Festival is well-deserved. I cried until I was convinced that the entire album of QQ space was full of McQueen's works. What a correct way to show love. Home video tapes can bring people to a state of empathy to the greatest extent, and the Buddha can personally feel the huge reverse force brought by the gears of life under the influence of the ups and downs of career and private life from the beginning to the end of Lee's life. At the moment he chooses to freeze his life's...

  • Dominic 2022-11-24 10:47:56

    Emotional everything This is what I've seen, a genius who works wonders with emotion. Basically he's an artist, you can't say he's a fashion designer at all. The tragedy of the artist lies in the irreversible failure of commercial operations, which is ultimately stifled by the limited progress of human...

  • Gracie 2022-11-21 19:31:14

    Inspiration to beauty can achieve 20% of genius, but courage to beauty can complete the remaining...

  • Lucinda 2022-11-11 19:12:27

    I wanted to cry while watching. What a world it is, beautiful and unfriendly, harsh and forgiving, beautiful and...

  • Issac 2022-10-02 01:30:47

    Pulled it a bit and got to know it, it looks pretty rough, and the designer's home is very...

Extended Reading

McQueen quotes

  • Alexander McQueen: I'm watching them dotting the *i*s, crossing the *t*s on everything, in every department.

  • Alexander McQueen: Fashion is a big bubble and sometimes I feel like popping it.