Maurice Comments

  • Edyth 2023-09-12 15:46:12

    He gave you his love and his body to him. Do not stay. They are lovers, and this title is far from being a substitute for friends, classmates, and friends. He said he was going to leave, but he failed to keep him. He shrunk in the chair, sobbing, like a little girl who was wronged. Young they are really attractive. Grant clear powder beauty ah. In the movie, he looks pretty female. Thinking of Tom in Interview with Vampires, youth is the...

  • Lavonne 2023-07-31 07:49:55

    Beards and windows, transformations and hints, there is the helplessness of that era, but also the beauty of finding a lover after all the hardships. Clive made a confession but left first. Hall used the window to get forgiveness for escape, but he didn't know that he was betrayed later. Fortunately, Hall opened the window and finally someone came in for him. He who shaved his beard never seemed to be as young and daring as before, but Clive, who grew a beard, could only hide in the window....

  • Randi 2023-06-27 17:19:07

    "Fabulous, Beautiful and...

  • Megane 2023-06-12 16:39:21

    It's a good classic film. The topics discussed are many but not complicated. After watching this film and watching many similar films, I feel grandstanding. The ending is quite ambiguous and has Forster's...

  • Rosalee 2023-05-08 01:28:53

    Spirit and flesh, that's the...

  • Vito 2023-04-22 16:52:41

    1. I like the soundtrack and photography very much; 2. The linear time progress, the characters gather and separate, some people care about the overall situation, and some people don't care about...

  • Hunter 2023-04-22 00:29:11

    The water of the Kanghe River was without wind or waves, and the people who were rafting at that time did not know where they were. Clive has an enviable career, but where will Maurice and Alec go? They met, in the most beautiful years. It's enough. Stop talking, let's end...

  • Colleen 2023-04-01 20:23:03

    In the restored version of DCP, James Ivory always flattens the concept of time in the story to a single linear dimension when adapting the theme. This processing method also gives his works the same sense of time passing in real life. However, this is also the main reason why it is difficult for the film to build a narrative with strong dramatic conflict. The conflict is scattered in the narrative and deviated from the central position, which makes the film feel like a running...

  • Colt 2023-03-03 10:34:45

    Re-watching the 30th anniversary remake, this is simply a left-wing movie that sees through the hypocrisy of the privileged class and is about to collapse, and completely dedicates body and mind to the working class. . . In addition, the Holy Trinity of Cambridge is also very false. It deceives cute boys into being gay (no) under the banner of pretending to be atheist. No one has a hospitable...

  • Bianka 2023-03-03 08:22:53

    At the end of the movie Clive Sad eyes Memories of the green years Maurice blond hair Black bachelor...

Extended Reading

Maurice quotes

  • Alec Scudder: Tomorrow's Thursday. Friday's packing. Saturday's Southampton, so it's goodbye, Old England.

    Maurice Hall: You mean that you and I shan't meet again after now?

    Alec Scudder: That's right, you've got it quite correct.

    Maurice Hall: Stay with me.

    Alec Scudder: Stay? Miss my boat? You daft? Of all the bloody rubbish. Order me about again, you would.

    Maurice Hall: It's a chance in a thousand we met. You know it. Why don't you stay?

    Alec Scudder: Stay? With you? How? And where? With your Ma? Oh yeah. What would she say if she saw me? All rough and ugly the way I am. My people wouldn't take to you one bit. I don't blame them, either. And how would you run your job, I'd like to know?

    Maurice Hall: I shall chuck it.

    Alec Scudder: Your job in the City? What gives you money and position? You talk like a man who's never had to earn his living.

    Maurice Hall: You can do anything. Once you know what it is. We can live without money, without people. We can live without position. We're not fools. We're both strong. There'd be some place we could go.

    Alec Scudder: Wouldn't work, Maurice. Be the ruin of

    [pauses; sits down]

    Alec Scudder: us both. Can't you see?

  • Alec Scudder: Now, we shan't never be parted. It's finished.