Masculin Féminin Comments

  • Waino 2023-06-26 02:11:08

    "Masculine/Feminine" is dressed in a 15-chapter dissertation-style film, Godard's signature black-screen quotes, depicting the calm madness and confusion of young men and women in the 1960s from another angle, recording and reflecting on "The children of Marx & Coca" -Cola's encounters: war, revolution, sexual liberation, consumerism, etc Madeleine raving: "In the depths of a lonely soul... naked female forehead.. ocean.. in a dream.. two people standing...

  • Nella 2023-06-15 13:00:34

    Very fun and Godard. The plot synopsis...

  • Electa 2023-05-29 21:29:47

    When you kill one person, you are a murderer; when you kill thousands, you are a conqueror. On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des milliers d'hommes, on est un...

  • Laury 2023-05-27 04:22:41

    It’s still those films that are collaged into anti-narratives. The sound and picture are more separated. Marxism, consumerism, Vietnam War, etc. are the face of this film, and the youth of that era background is the...

  • Luis 2023-05-16 14:20:05

    The most boring line of a pimple theme is not male and female. Fortunately, the son of the new wave has an indescribable...

  • Aida 2023-05-09 23:15:59

    Clear thinking and thought-provoking...

  • Melyssa 2023-04-20 08:56:18

    Bergman on Godard: I don't see anything of value in his films, they're all kind of confusing, prudish and dead films. His bullshit movie called "Men, Women" is the most boring one, and it's still so...

  • Gennaro 2023-04-17 09:19:53

    Godard said that the film could be called "the child growing up under Marx and Coca-Cola", and it really looks like a paper. A complete story, interspersed with many conversations between men and women, covering all aspects of East and...

  • Emelie 2023-04-07 23:22:31

    It is true that young people who reflect an era in France are master Godard's films, which still have strong characteristics...

  • Kamille 2023-03-30 20:13:08

    Godard's cinéma...

Extended Reading

Masculin Féminin quotes

  • Catherine-Isabelle: [Voice-over] We can suppose that, 20 years from now, every citizen will wear a small electrical device that can arouse the body to pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

  • Catherine-Isabelle: She's afraid you'll get her pregnant.

    Paul: What an idiot. I'm old enough not to screw all the way. Would you be afraid?

    Catherine-Isabelle: No. Not me. I use a thingamajig.

    Paul: What's that? What is it?

    Catherine-Isabelle: A gadget from America. A guy from Air France brought one for Elisabeth. Madeleine thinks it's indecent. I can understand her being scared.

Masculin Féminin

Director: Jean-Luc Godard

Language: French,Swedish,English Release date: March 22, 1966