Masculin Féminin Comments

  • Jeremy 2023-09-28 12:57:10

    The chaotic world of sound and picture segmentation and word games, consumer culture and left-wing battles, the fruitless introspection of artists and the lost passion of young people, men and women have become the origin of all motifs, in "What do you think" and "I Why do you want to answer?” The interlacing goes on forever. This layer-by-layer peeling of the cocoon and the complex elements, and finally fixed in the rigorous and profound gaze at the origin, is quite precious even in the...

  • Griffin 2023-09-22 16:52:21

    You are not a madman Pierrot, how could you steal a car for me? The sentence in "The Name of Carmen" is excellent: this generation of young people is really useless, neither cigarettes nor jeans have been invented. This film can also be called the children of "Marx and Coca-Cola". They talk about politics seriously and unscrupulously. Live life into nothingness, they know too much, but they are still just standing at the starting point of life, and they amuse themselves by saying things that...

  • Archibald 2023-09-01 21:45:08

    M&F fait partie des films qui ont vieilli avec le temps malgré son renouveau"réactionnaire"à l'époque.1 travail de contextualisation est nécessaire pr l'apprécier ou adhérer à ses idées sociologiques enracinées dans1France du 65 représentée ici par 1jeunesse...

  • Freddie 2023-08-26 09:54:49

    7. Knot's early ideological films discussed the sexual and political enlightenment of that generation of young men and women. It is deeper and more lengthy than the American movies of the same period (Easy Rider,...

  • Moshe 2023-08-15 07:48:25

    Early December 2006 Yanyuan 421 Political Love Soft and...

  • Jennifer 2023-08-01 09:05:11

    "love, love, in the heart of man is solitude, and your face thrown back. over the brow of my female nakedness, and my love is in the sea, in dreams and here we are against death..." was asked Strange question I can only say something...

  • Kaya 2023-07-27 08:21:28

    In order to watch Françoise Hardy playing soy sauce, you have to endure Godard's big truth, and you need to be so Politique when it comes to love! In addition to Hardy, there is also Chantal Goya, the heroine of France Gall, who is beautiful from all angles, and the charming pose with a frown and a smile unique to Nouvelle Vague. The second female is Eva Green, her mother Marlène. And a glimpse of Brigitte Bardot (there are several minutes of footage and...

  • Desiree 2023-07-16 13:18:40

    Godard's relationship between men and women has to be related to his left-wing political stance. Perhaps men and women are politics, and politics are men and women. [Every time I look at Godard, I feel that my brain is not enough, or I read too...

  • Mabelle 2023-07-03 01:09:11

    The boy said that the center of the world is love~~ The girl said that the center of the world is her! ~ Marlene Little...

  • Cleve 2023-06-30 17:26:38

    "Your lover deserted you for a black man What do you think? Do you know there's a famine in India? Do you know what communism is? Do you take birth control pills or put a birth control ring in your vagina? Why are women in the upper class more indifferent to these questions than female factory workers? It just reflects the ugliness of the crowd's emotional intelligence""The center of the world is...

Extended Reading

Masculin Féminin quotes

  • Catherine-Isabelle: [Voice-over] We can suppose that, 20 years from now, every citizen will wear a small electrical device that can arouse the body to pleasure and sexual satisfaction.

  • Catherine-Isabelle: She's afraid you'll get her pregnant.

    Paul: What an idiot. I'm old enough not to screw all the way. Would you be afraid?

    Catherine-Isabelle: No. Not me. I use a thingamajig.

    Paul: What's that? What is it?

    Catherine-Isabelle: A gadget from America. A guy from Air France brought one for Elisabeth. Madeleine thinks it's indecent. I can understand her being scared.

Masculin Féminin

Director: Jean-Luc Godard

Language: French,Swedish,English Release date: March 22, 1966